Chapter Five

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We were on our plane flight back to Virginia, it was pretty late so most of the team was sleeping, but Morgan and I were still awake. I was reading like I usually did on our plane flights, and Derek was listening to music. I looked over at Spencer who was laid out on the seat in front of me. The way he slept was so funny to me and I always pointed it out to him when we landed. 

“Hey loverboy,” Derek whispered.

My back stiffened and I shot my eyes at him, he had his usual grin plastered on his face.

“What Derek?” I replied.
“Did boy genius tell you what he told me yesterday?”
“No? What’d he tell you?” I questioned, immediately closing my book.
“He wants to tell you. So just be patient and wait until he does.” He answered.
“Okay well Morgan, you know I’m anything but patient.”
“Sorry,” He whispered, his sarcasm pierced through like a bullet.

I playfully rolled my eyes, continuing to read my book. When we landed, I was the first one off the plane. I usually was, but everyone else felt unusually slow. We had been on a 4 hour plane flight, which was a shorter flight than a lot of them, but we usually got hit by jet lag anyway. When we made it to the office, we weren’t immediately released. JJ had something to tell us.

“I don’t know the full explanation yet, actually I barely know anything, but me and Garcia will be looking into this separately, and you will focus on the cases I assign you.” She said.

She was holding a bag with an envelope in it. It was a pale yellow and there was a name faintly etched into it. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was definitely curious. JJ walked over to me, talking the envelope out of the bag and handing me it. It had already been opened, and the faint “name” etched on it was an odd combination of letters. I thought it was an anagram, but there were only 3 letters, and they definitely didn’t spell anything out.

“What is this?” I asked, opening the envelope.
“Look at it.”

I opened the envelope and there didn’t seem to be much, other than 2 words written on the sheet of paper. It was clearly handwritten, and whoever it was took their time writing each individual letter. There was no name and no address, actually there was nothing. The only thing on the paper was “Hi Jasper.” I looked up at JJ, who had a nervous look on her face.

“What the hell is this?” I questioned, an uneasy feeling swallowing my stomach.
“I don’t know. Garcia found it on your desk when she came in here to use our radio.”
“Why did she open it?” 
“She didn’t. It was already open.”
“Why would whoever gave me this open it?” I continued.

I knew she didn’t have the answers to anything I asked, but this was making me more uneasy than I wanted to admit. I thought it was a prank at first, maybe this had been what Derek was talking about, but the shared terrified expression on everyone’s face told me differently.

“I don’t know, but you’ll know as soon as I do.” She answered.

I drug my hand down my face, I wasn't dealing with this right now. I looked over at Derek and Spencer who were whispering. Derek nodded at him and they left together. As soon as it had sunk in, I immediately stood up from my desk, taking all of my stuff and leaving.

“Jasper,” Hotch called.
“What?” I spat.

I knew my anger was misplaced, this didn’t feel like something he would do, but I didn’t care.

“Do you know anyone who would jokingly write you a letter like that? Maybe an old college friend that you still talk to?”
“I don’t talk to anyone other than you guys anymore.”
“What about an ex? Remember the cases we’ve done over Erotomaniac Fixation? Maybe something like that?”
“I appreciate that you’re trying to help Hotch, but not right now.” I faltered, swallowing the lump in my throat.
“Okay. Call me if you need anything.” He smiled, walking off to his car.

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