Chapter Forty-two

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This chapter includes a light bit of smut :)
I woke up to my arm wrapped around Spencer in my bedroom with him tightly griping my arm.

"Spence," I said, lightly shaking him.

He shot straight up, still squeezing my arm.

"You okay?" I asked, rubbing his back.
"Now I am. Nightmare."

I pulled him into a hug, kissing the top of his head.

"I've gotta take a shower, but help yourself to a cup of coffee and whatever you can find in the kitchen, okay?"

He nodded and I kissed his head again, making my way to the shower. I walked into my bedroom with a towel around my waist to grab some clothes. I tossed on a random t-shirt, some boxers, and a pair of pajama pants. I walked downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee. Spencer was waiting for the toast to pop out of my toaster. I rubbed his shoulder, planting another soft kiss on the top of his head and walked over to the windows beside my front door. The officer who was sitting out in the front of my house had himself some breakfast and the officer in the unmarked car did too. They were both talking through the microphone and doing their own things to keep busy.

"Jas, this envelope has eyeliner on it. How long ago did you get this one?"
"It was the first envelope we got that rhymed. All of the ones that rhyme have had some kind of eyeliner mark."
"No, this one. The one behind your coffee pot."

I walked over to him, grabbing the envelope from his hand. It was definitely older than the others.

"I don't know. I try not to remember the exact dates I got each note. This was 2 or 3 notes before the first rhyming one though."
"So the new "author" has been here longer than we thought?" He said. "Did we ever officially clear Diana?"
"I mean, kind of. Since everything resurfaced Ross thought we should reinvestigate her but we never had time with the locations and all."
"We should tell Strauss to reinvestigate her. What did she go to college for?"

"She wanted to go for computer engineering, but she never followed through with it. She got her degree in..." I paused for a moment, remembering what Garcia told us. "Language and literature."

"Think we got a pretty good suspect. Why did she mean by you missing the point of the notes?"
"I have no clue and honestly don't think I ever will."

He laughed a bit, giving me a hug before pulling out his phone to text Strauss. Holly came running up to us, pawing at my pants. She had been quiet since we got back from HQ, but I had brushed it off. I filled up her food and water bowl, sitting down on my couch. As much as I wished I was still working, a break was good. It gave me and Spencer time to hang out, time for me to spend with Holly, and more time for me to just think. Thinking reminded me that we never did Spencer's cognitive after he got shot. I dragged him over to the couch with me, crashing down and almost hitting the armrest.

"We never did your cognitive. Do you wanna go ahead and do that?"

"Shouldn't we do that with Strauss?"
"I don't think I want her leading a cognitive."
"Fair enough." He chuckled, sitting down in front of me.

I asked him a bunch of questions about that night, most of which we knew the answers to. I still wanted to try, just in case there was something he reminded that I didn't. Each time he answered a questioned I relayed the information to Hotch, letting him give it to Strauss. I never bothered with getting her number, it didn't feel necessary.

"You didn't remember anything I didn't remember, but it was still good to go through that."

He nodded, laying his head on my shoulder. My phone started ringing and I reluctantly picked it up, not paying attention to who called.

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