Chapter Twenty-five

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Emily sent Morgan back to Garcia to search for men with children released from prison not long before I got the first note or who suffered a severe injury during that time. While we were waiting on that, Spencer was finishing up on the case files. When he finished, he pulled out one of the pages, showing me and Emily something.

“He filed 8 of the exact same reports against you before he was pulled out of the college. Look,” He said, pointing to the transcript of the conversation.
“He said the exact same thing each time? Does he have any mental illnesses that we know of?”
“They aren’t on his file.”

“Okay. What was his problem with me that would cause him to file 8 assault reports against me? If it was just the one, his grudge might be a failed police system, but this is crazy.”

“Look at the dates, do those mean anything to you?”

“The last one. 03/25/2006. It doesn’t mean anything, to me at least, but when Garcia found the nickel and licorice purchases, this was the date. Well the date 1600 days before that.”

He smiled, circling the date.

“Maybe this is the day his dad went to prison, or the day he got injured, maybe the day he got pulled out of college.”

“That was during my last year there. And these other dates, these were around the time my relationships started and ended. The first one is me and Mason getting together, the second is close to our breakup. The second two would’ve been mine and Amelia’s first and second date. The 5th and 6th would be me and Brant getting together and our break up I think, and the seventh was when I called it off with Naemi.”

“But not the 8th? That one has no romantic connection?”
“Not that I know of.”

“Maybe TJ’s grudge was a case of Erotamina. He saw that you were in a relationship but he had some twisted idea that you two were together so the assault charges were supposed to be his way of getting back at you for “cheating”.” Spencer said.

“That would make sense, but I still want to understand the significance of the last date. I’m going to talk to Garcia.” 

I walked out of the conference room and past Rossi’s office where my mom and sister were getting ready to leave. I pushed open the door, walking over to them.

“Jasper!” Holly yelled, jumping onto me.
“Hey sister.” I replied, wincing as her knee hit my abs.
“Sorry,” She said.
“It’s okay.” I smiled, looking over at my mom.
“Hey kiddo.” She said, wrapping her arms gently around my neck.
“Hey mom.”

She lifted up her wrist, checking the time on her watch.

“We need to get going but you be safe. I better not get a call of any kind, you hear me?”
“Yes mom.”
“Have a safe flight you two.” I said softly, watching them walk out of the office.

I walked into Garcia’s office, watching her and Morgan flirt with each other.

“God, get a room.” I joked, playfully rolling my eyes.
“We are in a room, thank you,” Garcia smiled, “What did you need my lovely?”

Morgan acted offended, dramatically placing his hand over his chest.

“Can you look for any prison inmates or hospital patients who were admitted on the 25th of March during 2006? Preferably some who had a 10 year sentence or who had to attend multiple sessions of physical therapy for a long time.”

“Sure can,” She smiled, clicking away on her keyboard, “oh and I didn’t get a name or a sentence, but there was one inmate who went to prison for 7 years on an assault charge who suffered a leg injury, severing part of his leg, and was in the hospital for a year and had to do 2 years of physical therapy. He has two children but their names and gender were withheld. That sounds like a good suspect to you?”

“In fact it does. Try and see what else you can get on that guy.”
“On it as fast as a rabbit!” She smiled.

Morgan and I laughed, walking out of her office together. We made it down the hallway before he stopped me.

“When are we gonna talk about it?”
“About what?” I asked.
“Don’t play dumb with me. The book that you gave Spencer? I might have taken a peek at it and I saw something written in the back.”
“Morgan!” I groaned, hitting his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I got curious.” He said, sticking up his hands in defeat.
“Guys, Will’s back with the drug. He’s gonna stay here at the bureau and pitch in on this case. We could use a set of kind-of fresh eyes.” She nodded.
“Saved by the bell,” I said, lightly pushing Derek’s chest.

We both walked back up to the conference room where Will, JJ, Emily, Spencer, Dave, and Aaron were all standing.

“What did you guys find out?” I asked, looking at Hotch and Rossi.

“Other than the case files that Derek gave you guys, we found nothing. Which is a problem on its own, but it was an alarming amount of nothing. Other than things from his college days and a photo of his sister, there was no information on a Travis Johnson anywhere. Not statewide and not in different countries. There was a previous address but the home was demolished 3 years ago.” Hotch answered.

“Really? So after and before college he just fell off the grid?” JJ asked.
“Seems like it. There wasn’t even a birth certificate for him or his sister.” Rossi replied.
“Maybe we need to take a look at the other people we know the identities of, might be easier to track down those guys.” Will suggested.
“Alright. Will, you and JJ go help Garcia with tracking down the rest of them. She’s good at what she does but some help might be nice.” Hotch ordered.
“Got it.” JJ said, walking with Will down to Garcia’s office. 

“Morgan, you and Rossi take this syringe to the lab for a sample and make sure they make it a top priority. Spencer, Emily, Jasper, you three are gonna stay here with me and see what else we can piece together from Michael and Gabriella’s confessions.”

“Okay Hotch.” I replied.
Extra progress and a sprinkle of fun (but don't get too comfy)
Next chapter will be out sometime on Wednesday!!

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