Chapter 1- Breakup Plan

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'Kringg kringg'

His phone ring.The boy pull down his blanket that is covering his whole body to his head as he get up, stretching himself.

The boy who is having a messy hair look at the window, slightly close his one eye when the sunlight hitting his face.

He still can hear the alarm.He move around,looking for his phone.When he found it,he turn off his alarm.

Letting out his last yawn,he get up from his bed,grabbing his towel and go straight to the bedroom, still in his sleepy state.

Time skip...

He finishing button up,as he look himself in the mirror.He give one last touch on his blonde hair,before showing his satisfied boxy smile.

"Another day, another journey.You can do it Kim Taehyung". That boy said,giving some passionate words to himself,getting energy from his own self.

Taehyung turn around,looking around his room.

"Making the bed,check".He said,pointing his well-done bed.

"Arrange books for today's classes,also check".He said,grabbing his navy blue bag at the corner of his study table.

"What else?Oh I should make breakfast and leave notes for Taeri".

Taehyung rush downstairs,remembering his little sister, who's having school holiday today.

It took just a while for Taehyung to prepare simple breakfast for him and his sister,since he has been doing it almost everyday.

He grab a bread,spreading some nutella on it as he fold the bread into to,getting it in his own mouth.After that he make one more for his little sister and after that he make a cup of milo for her.It took him less then 5 mimutes to do all that.Lucky on his behalf,that her sister is not that kind of demanding kid,who wants to be fed by different kinds of food every morning.

After leaving the food and note for her sister,he wear his shoes and making sure the door is locked before walking to his college.

Taehyung look at his old wrist watch.He smile,knowing it's still early.He didn't have to send his sister to school today,so here he is,walking to his few miles away college, swaying his hands like little child.He just enjoys morning walk.

Upon arriving at the college,he can see many students arrive at the same time as him.Some of the students are in a rush,bringing some heavy books in their hand like too lazy to give a bag to the books,as having worried faces,looking at their watch non stop.

He look at the other direction,some couples are seeing each other in the morning,meeting each other with some kisses and hugs.Well thypical lovebirds.Taehyung smile.

"Kim Taehyung!"

A familiar voice call his name make him turn around only to be embraced by his friend,Park Jimin.Somehow Taehyung trying to catch his break,because of the tight friendly hug.

And finally,Park Jimin let his poor body go.

"Woah.Haven't you see me in ages,Jimin ah?" Taehyung said as Jimin just chuckle,totally aware that his hug also suck Taehyung's soul out of his body.But he just loves doing that.

"I'm sorry Taehyung ah.Come on, let's go to our class.Jin hyung is already in his classroom". The silver haired boy said, slightly pull his friend by his arm.

"How early?" Taehyung ask somehow feeling weird that Jin is already in his class,which he knew that Jin will be having his first class at the exact time as he and Jimin's first class.

"Yeah.He told me that his lecture announced his class should be started early than the usual.But the thing is,he was told like that at the last minute".Jimin said as he put his arm on Taehyung's shoulder.

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