Chapter 8- Text Box

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Taehyung throw himself on the bed, totally feels that he want to end his life, besides feeling a little stupid that he just accepted to be a tutor of a boy he despises.

He don't even know why he do that, cause he clearly stated to himself that he won't deal himself with some certain coconut headed rich ass boy. But now he know the fact that he literally have to face Jungkook for the whole six freaking months.

The thought of spending his precious time with some weird ass kid rather than busying himself with some worthly side job is enough to make him groan. Enough to say that he just hates Jungkook's presence.

Not to mention how he is uncomfortable and his dislikes towards Jungkook anytime Jungkook near him. Like he want to tear Jungkook's mouth everytime that boy show his annoying smirk and how he wants to dig Jungkook's eyeball when that guy look at him from head to toe like some wild hungry horny ass rapists.

Well thinking through,he can't blame Jungkook--like blaming him that much, it's kind of his fault for accepting Jungkook's childish deal. And he hates it, remembering the deal he had with Jungkook when he didn't deny after Jungkook said the most hated words which are 'it's a deal'.

"What do I do?I fucking agreed? Oh no Jimin will make fun of me like.. bragging to some bitches who are envious of his prettier face then they are. Or he will even announce it to the whole college!".

Yeah Jimin will go like 'you know who I am? I'm The Jeon Jungkook's tutor's soulmate, you bitches'. Yeahh like..that would sounds pretty cocky.

Taehyung turn his body around, whole face smashed on his bed, before he shake his whole body, hands punching the bed, as the same as his legs are doing. He's totally throwing tantrums like like some kids whom their mom forbid to buy some one-cent candy.

He's not even started for the first lesson with Jeon Jungkook--which he doesn't even know the exact date, but he already want to disappear from the Earth. He couldn't imagine how would he keep up with Jungkook's behaviour for the whole half a year.

A notification pop up on his phone, causing him to struggly look up, taking the phone in his hand, opening the unread text.

Unknown: hey beautaeful ;)

Taehyung narrow his eyebrow.

"Who the hell is texting me with this weird ass name?". Taehyung ask himself with his drowned voice, cause his cheeks totally smashed on the bed.

He look up to the ceiling, recalling if he ever give his phone number to some cheeky dude. Like yeahh his silly gay ass won't give his phone number to any unknown girls.

Could it be the muscular guy he face-slapped after he shamelessly being improper touched on his thigh, when his lightweight self was drunk at the bar Jimin brought him?

Cause if he guessed right, then he's doomed.

Like yeah who can deny his beauty, that he himself didn't even can? His ethereal self somehow attracted both man and woman. Dudes could get a boner because of him. Girls could do some nasty self-masturbate because of him.

But his dear self got a pride. He won't let some nasty hands touch him in improper way. A slap by Taehyung is just a tiny little way to protect himself.He could do more when someone go overboard on him.

Having no energy to get up, he reply with one hand, carefully tapping some certain alphabets from the keypad.

Taehyung: who's this?

He keep staring at the phone screen. No signs of incoming message, Taehyung put his phone down as he getting up, decided to take a shower.

"Are you ready, Jin hyung?" Jimin who is coming out of the kitchen ask while grinning.

Jin roll his eyes. "Let's get this over". He said as he approach Jimin, who is holding a mini round shaped creamy cake, then putting it on the table.

Jimin's grin went bigger, proud of receiving his victory in winning his bet with Seokjin. After Hoseok informed him that Taehyung accepted the offer to be Jungkook's tutor, he couldn't be happier then jumping around the house like a crazy monkey. As soon as that he goes out to buy a freaking cake, then directly drove away to Jin's house, shamelessly giving some multiple house-collapse knock on Jin's door causing his beauty sleep ruined only to be told by Jimin that his poor self had lost their bet.

Now he's here, breathing in and out as he is preparing himself to smash his own face on the cake, like they promised.

Jin can only pray to God to save him. Like who would want to smash their own face on a thick-whipped creamed cake like an insane person?That's awful.

Jin squint his eyes, trying to read the tiny red creamed words on the cake's surface.

'happy betlosing day'. That's what written on the cake.

Jin look aside, sending some glares to the younger. "I swear, Jimin you little piece of shit".

Jimin chuckle. "Don't mind it hyung. Just do what you want with the cake. Damn I can't wait". Jimin said, doing some little jumps and clapping his hands like children's ready to see a circus performance.

Jin close his eyes, approach his head to the cake's surface, as he can feel his face touched some shitty whip cream. And it's.freaking.disgusting.

He stay like that for few seconds before completely sink his whole face in the cake and immediately stand straight again, getting out of the torture.

Seeing Jin's face like that, Jimin can't hold his laugh,that he finally burst it out loud until he fall from the chair--well Jimin is just being Jimin.

Jin open his eyes, sending the same glares Jimin. His both eyebrows are literally joined together,as he pissed off.

"You're gonna get it, you jackass".

Jimin let out some more of his laugh." I'm not surprised, hyung". Jimin said, knowing Jin will do anything to get his revenge on Jimin.

Taehyung go out of the bedroom after taking a nice hot shower. Remembering he was texting with an unknown dude just now, he grab his phone, somehow wants to know who he is texting with.

As he expected, a notification appeared.

Unknown: It's your one and only student, my tutor.

That's enough to make Taehyung's eyes widened."Jeon Jungkook?!"

Yeah. That cocky ass boy he's talking about.

Taehyung: Jeon Jungkook?!

Unknown: That would be me.

Taehyung: How the heck do you get my number

Taehyung managed to save Jungkook's number, as a name he thinks Jungkook deserve.

Cocky ass boy: From that little friend of yours.

Taehyung gritted his teeth.
A mischievous smile of Jimin appears in his head.

Cocky ass boy: Well Hobi hyung got your number from Jimin. So technically, Jimin was the one who gave it to me. Well I'm glad. We'll meet soon, Mr Tutor.

Taehyung: No we're not.

Cocky ass boy : Oh I forgot to say, you'll start your work tomorrow, around 3, place's on you.

Taehyung: I never agrees on anything?

Cocky: Yeah, and you can do nothing but agreeing now. See ya, smartypants.

And like that, Jungkook went offline.

Taehyung close his eyes, calming himself down. He knows Jungkook will just ignore him if he respond anything to the last text.

"Cocky bitch". Taehyung mouthed under his breath.

To be continued...

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