Chapter 9- Tutor's Wise Words

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"You're late, Jungkook". Taehyung said as he cross his arms on his chest.

Jungkook bend down, trying to catch his breath." I'm sorry. My class ended late".

"How is that my problem? You're late on your first tutoring session with me and I'm not gonna tolerate that". Taehyung roll his eyes. After his class ended at 2, he went to pick Taeri up from her school and straight to his house. After doing some simple cooking and had lunch with Taeri, he clean the house and straight on walking to the college again,as they promised to have their first session in an empty classroom where Taehyung had his last class was.That took his time until 3.15, 15 minutes earlier than Jungkook. Technically, he's also late.

But Jungkook won't have to know that.

"Oh come on dude I ran here. Could you just appreciate me for that?" Jungkook pull the chair in front of Taehyung, facing his tutor.

"And could you appreciate me wasting my time here waiting for you?I have many other things to do at home. Like tons".

"Like watching porns?"

"Get your nasty ass attitude away from me Jeon Jungkook".

Jungkook raise up his hand. "Okay geez I'm joking. No need to be mad".

Taehyung roll his eyes. "Whatever. I'm starting with math. Got that book with you?"

"No". Jungkook said innocently.

"And why is that?!"

"I didn't have math today!"

"I told you to bring it! I don't care if you have your math class or not today!"

"Don't blame me! I was in a rush this morning and I totally forgot what you said!"

"Jesus Christ--Oh God just...tell me what book did you bring". Taehyung said, closing his eyes while massaging his head, feeling that he could pass out anytime soon.

It's the first session for God sake!


Taehyung look up, to Jungkook who is grinning while showing his physic book. He sigh, putting away the math book, replacing it with some physics notes he took out from his bag.

"Alright let's just get this over with". Taehyung said, hoping he won't die with this 2 hours tutoring session.

Jimin open the door, looking around the crowded cafe. It's raining outside and he's in the mood for a glass of hot chocolate.

"Jiminshi". Someone call his name and he look at the direction. About few miles away, he can see Hoseok waving his hand while showing his usual sunshine smile.

Jimin smile back approaching Hoseok just to find Hoseok's not alone. He's with a same green haired dude he used to met.

"Come let's sit with us". Hoseok said, already pulling out a chair for Jimin to sit.

"Nahh it's okay hyung. I wouldn't want to interrupt you and your friend here. Plus I'll just take away the food here".

What an obvious lie. He just don't want see Yoongi.

"Pft no you wouldn't interrupt us like we are in a date of something. Let's just hangout with us. And don't worry my guy here wouldn't eat you, Jiminie. Come come let's sit".

Jimin can't do nothing when Hoseok pull his arm, leading him to the chair he pulled out just now. He settled down on it, taking a quick look at Yoongi who is on his phone, not even caring to spare him a glance.

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