Chapter 42- The Truth About The Bracelet

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"Why do you want to see me, boys?".

"We have something to talk to you about, dad. Sorry if you're busy and us bothering you". Jungkook said.

Mr. Jeon smile. "It's okay son. Works never finish. Sounds like you guys are going to say something important. Tell me about it".

Jungkook look at Taehyung beside him. Taehyung nod his head, signaling Jungkook to continue. The younger take out something from his pocket.

"Dad, is this bracelet yours?" Jungkook ask, putting the bracelet on the table.

"Why would you boys have that thing with you?"

"Uncle, don't get us wrong. Actually, I'm very familiar with that bracelet. I mean, my father used to wear he same bracelet like that. So.. I'm just wondering if you and my father are related, or maybe, you guys are friends or something? Or it's just a coincidence?" Taehyung reply.

Mr Jeon sigh. "It's time for you guys to know the truth. It's not a coincidence, Taehyung. That bracelet, is mine. And the one your father used to wear, was given by me. Actually, me and your father know each other, Kim Taehyung ".

"What's the relationship between you guys, uncle? Friends?"

"More than that. We are more than friends. We..used to date each other".

Taehyung widened his eyes. While Jungkook was stuck in his place, eyes not blinking at his father who's having his head hanging low. Never in his life, not even once he thought that his father would have an ex boyfriend . And that person is, his own boyfriend's father.

"W..what do you mean by that, dad?" Jungkook stutter.

"Our love story never completes, boys. Kim Taegung, the one I fell in love with when I was still in middle school. The one and only person, the guy who managed to catch my heart, regarding to how cold hearted I was back then. After less than month knowing each other, I confessed to him and he gladly accept me. We shared our first kiss on the rooftop and had a first date in an amusement park, having some ice creams. I also bought our matching bracelet, as a sign that we finally a couple. That's when we promised to keep loving each other, and hoping that no one could separate us".

"But I didn't think enough. I didn't know, we can only hope. Coming out to my parents that I'm gay and had a boyfriend, they can't accept it. No need to talk about nowadays, even back in my days, there are still some homophobics people who can't accept LGBT. Including your late grandparents, Jungkook ah. They told me to break up with him, setting me up with a girl on their choice, which is your mother, who carry you in her wombs for 9 months and born you out to this world".

"Even if after having your mother and you, I still can't forget Taegung. He's my first love, and forever gonna be my first love. Both of us got hurt, separated in none of us desires, but have to do it because of our parents. We we just teenagers at that time, we can't do anything other than agreeing at the elders decision. How I crazy over him, I even told him that we should run away from the cruel world, being together where we can only have each other, far away from people. But he said no. He said that it's the bed thing, cause we wouldn't want to be a burden for our parents. Your father is just like you, Taehyung. He always think further". Mr. Jeon said with a smile on his face.

"After few months I married Jungkook's mother, I got to know your father was also married to someone, which was the only daughter of well known CEO of Min Holdings , which is your mother now, Taehyung".

Taehyung nod. A face of his mother appeared in his mind.

"Jungkook ah, do you remember when I said that your mother left you because of my poor condition?"

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