Chapter 39- Sulking Taetae

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Jungkook wake up and found no one beside him. Sitting up on the bed, his hand wandering around, try to grab his phone, but it also no where to be found.

Getting out of the room, he can see his boyfriend on the couch. Taehyung is still in his bathrobe while holding something in his hand which is... Jungkook's phone?

"Baby?" Jungkook call, approaching Taehyung as he sit on one of the couch.

Taehyung turn his head towards Jungkook, with a small smile on his face.

"You're up. I hope you don't mind me looking through your phone?"

"Umm of course I don't. But..why, baby?"

"So I can look at this picture". Taehyung show the phone screen to Jungkook, which there is a photo with Jungkook and Suzy in it.

"I didn't know you still keep this picture with her. For what? A memory?"

"Taehyung, that picture is a long long time ago. It was when she and I were still a couple".

Taehyung put the phone by his side, still not giving it to its owner.

"You have an idea about that. So care to share why you still keep it?"

"Okay before you can jump to any conclusions, I just wanna tell you I really don't miss her or anything. As you can see that's the only picture where me and her in it. I still keep it because..I look good in it".

Taehyung raise one eyebrow, being clueless. "Huh?"

"Yeah, I'm telling you the truth. Take a look at that picture once again, baby. I do look good in it. My smile, my outfit, my hair, it's all perfect. So it's a pity for me to delete that picture".

"So that makes you keep the picture? Even though it's the picture of you and that girl? You're telling me you look good only when you're with her?"

"What? That's not what I meant, baby".

"Then what? Don't you know the fact that you always look good? You can have many pictures of yourself how many you want, but why do you have to keep this one freaking photo just because you look good in it? And the photo has your ex in it? Tell me Jungkook. As a boyfriend of yours, do you even know how I feel after looking at this photo?"

Jungkook look down, playing with his fingers as he can't look at Taehyung's fierce eyes anymore.

"I'm.. I'm sorry Taehyungie".

"Are you gonna delete this picture? Or I'm gonna do it?" Taehyung's voice started to get calm a little.

"You can delete it, Taetae". Jungkook said, still looking down. He can't deny that possessive Taehyung is a very scary Taehyung.

"That's what I thought". Taehyung said and delete the picture, making sure there's no other pictures of Suzy in that phone.

Taehyung then wake up, putting the phone beside Jungkook but when he's about to walk away, Jungkook suddenly pull his arm make him automatically sit on Jungkook's lap.

"Aishh what the heck, Jungkook?"

Jungkook hug Taehyung's waist. "I know you're still mad at me. I'm sorry baby. I swear I never think of her or anything. I totally forget about her. It's an idiot me for still keeping that photo just because of me look good in it. That's a ridiculous reason, right. But baby, trust me. I really forget about her already".

"You said what you said. What do you expect me to do now?"

"You didn't say you forgive me or not, Taetae. Please say it". Jungkook pout while showing his cute doe eyes.

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