Chapter 41- Mr. Jeon

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Jungkook knock on the door, later doing some whistles while waiting for a certain someone to open the wooden door. But after a while, there's no one opening it. Jungkook raise and eyebrow, about to knock again when suddenly the door finally opened.

That's when Jungkook got stuck in his place. His eyes fixed on his boyfriend who is cutely yawning while rubbing his eyes. Not to mention his morning messy hair. But that's not why Jungkook got stunned. He look at his boyfriend head to toe.

Taehyung is wearing an oversized clothes with a short pants revealing his milky skinned thighs. And that's the spot where Jungkook's eyes landed. Taehyung's nice thighs. The thighs he's still admire when he has any times to catch his eyes on them, the one he saw, he touched, he kissed, and everything he did to those things. But still, looking at his boyfriend in that condition in the early morning, he can't deny the fact that it's the most breathtaking scene he ever had his eyes on.

Taehyung squint his eyes, looking at what Jungkook is looking, at the lower part of his body, which is his legs. He look up to Jungkook again just to see Jungkook still looking at his thighs not blinking like Jungkook's gonna eat up his thighs soon. He flicked Jungkook's forehead make the poor boy groan in pain.

"Ouchh. It's hurt, baby". Jungkook whine and rub his forehead.

"Such naughty eyes you have huh?"

"Don't blime me baby. It's just...a nice view. A very nice view. Like I'm so lucky to get to see that in this early morning". Jungkook smirk.

"Nice view my foot. Stop your creepy behaviour or I'll dig your eyeballs. Now come inside". Taehyung pull Jungkook inside his house and close the door.

He put Jungkook to sit on the couch, holding both of Jungkook's shoulders.

"Stay right here for a while, I'm gonna shower real quick". Taehyung said and about to walk away when he suddenly got pulled by Jungkook on his wrist.

Automatically he hug Jungkook's neck, avoiding himself to lost his balance on Jungkook's lap.

"Aishh what the heck, Jungkook. I need to shower".

"It can wait. I missed you, babe". Jungkook said as he hug Taehyung's waist.

"What do you mean by that? We just met yesterday".

"I know. I'll always miss you. I mean..I miss the whole of you, babe". Jungkook lean his face closer to Taehyung's neck, inhaling it.

"Hmm smells good, even though my baby didn't shower yet". Jungkook whisper as he brush his nose against the bare neck.

Taehyung close his eyes, feeling thingling session on his body. He knows damn well what Jungkook meant by the whole of him.

"Mmmhh Jungkook..." Unknowingly, he moan due to Jungkook's light kisses.

"I never see you like this baby. And I can say, you look so sexy that I can't stand it". Jungkook attached his lips on Taehyung. Kissing him softly as his hand caressing Taehyung's exposed thigh.

Taehyung can't do nothing but kissing his boyfriend back, as he can feel his thigh got caressed softly by his boyfriend. He won't ever deny, Jungkook's gentle touches really make him wants more.

As they pull away from the kiss, Taehyung put his palm on Jungkook's cheek. "You like seeing me like this, Mr Boyfie?"

Jungkook nod. "Yes, beautaeful. I want to look at you like this, every morning".

Their lips glued on each other again, both kissing passionately like there's no tomorrow. Jungkook squeeze Taehyung's thigh make the older moan, and that's when Jungkook explore Taehyung's hot cavern with his tongue. His boyfriend who didn't ever shower yet or brush his teeth somehow never bothers Jungkook. He just know that he wants to devour his boyfriend, like he's doing now.

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