Chapter 7- A Shitty Deal

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Hoseok choke on his drink."He called you like that?"

"Yeah.Like how rude right?"

"I salute him---I mean yeah how rude.Like wow, he's giving you some out of the box names". Hoseok exclaim.

"But to be honest, I'm impressed". Jungkook said, remembering how Taehyung just curse the shit out of him, like no one would do. That's one of the reasons why Taehyung somehow interest him.

"By his foul mouth?" Yoongi ask.

"You can say that". Jungkook reply, chuckling.

"Yeah but do remember, boy.You still have some unsolved problem.And ..yeah I didn't get that Taehyung guy.Why does he hate you so much".

"He thought Jungkook's a cocky ass dude". Hoseok said while rolling his eyes, tired of repeating himself.

"What does it have to do with his not wanting to tutor Jungkook?" Yoongi ask, confused.

"Uhh I don't know don't ask me that. Jimin just told me like Taehyung needs money,so I thought he'll agree to be Jungkook's totur.But it turns out, that's a total opposite".

Jungkook turn his head to Hoseok."He needs money?"

"Yeah, he needs money, a freaking job.And as far as I know, he's been struggling in his life.Jimin didn't tell more about it.I guess that's not my business to know". Hoseok shrug his shoulders.

Jungkook is thinking of something, slightly smirk.

"Woahh that's some kind a creepy smirk you're putting on.What's up?".

"Well I just think that...I need to use a little force on that angelic faced guy". Jungkook said as his smirk not leaving his face.

"Anyway, Jiminshi.I haven't heard about your superdy-duperty rich uncle that you told me about.How's he". Taehyung ask Jimin, not sure how he actually remember about Jimin's that uncle.

Well maybe he just know that Jimin's uncle is rich, but never show his richness to others. Like Taehyung have met him, and damn he's so humble. You know thypical humble person that goes like 'aishh no need to praise me that much, it's nothing ' or 'I   didn't get all this by myself, I'm just so lucky that I got some great supporters around me'.

"Oh he bankrupted.So he moved to busan".

"And doing other business there?"

"He's selling peanut butter and jelly there".

Jin chocked on his own saliva. Somehow shocked by Jimin's statement.Like how fast that used-to-be businessman with tons of factories threw down left with peanut butter and jams?How bankrupt.

"Which doesn't get that much support".Jimin continue, tottaly not care.

"Like a real peanut butter and jelly?" Jin ask, still can't believe his ears.

Jimin raise his eyebrow."Are there any unreal pbj's?Urghh anyway I'm going now". Jimin said, grabbing his bag.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung ask.

"I'm meeting my friend at the cafe.Care to join?"

"Nahh I'm good.I'm heading out later". Taehyung said as he shake his head.

"Okay then.So, catch up with you later". Jimin said, heading out of the classroom,bidding goodbye to his friends.

"Hoseok do you know right now you're looking around and it's irritating me.What are you searching for?" Yoongi ask, somehow bothered.

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