Chapter 6- Heated Conversation

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"WHAT?!" Jungkook yelled in the middle of the cafe.

"Woahh dude take a chill and sit your ass down".Yoongi said as he pull down Jungkook to sit back on the chair.

"He had the audacity to say no to me?To Jeon Jungkook?" Jungkook said as he curled his fist.

"Well that's what Jimin said to me".Hoseok shrug.

Jungkook don't know what to say more but just sigh, knowing he really got rejected by someone,which he never got.Damn his pride scattered.

"But why did Taehyung refused?" Namjoon ask, curiousity hitting him.

"Maybe he's just like you. He's just too smart to tutor Jungkook and Jungkook's just too dumb to be tutored by him". Yoongi said,more like dissing Jungkook.

"Yeah.I mean that's not what Jimin said. But Jimin said something like.. cocky ass boy, I don't know".

Jungkook's eyes widened."He called me cocky ass boy?!"

"Yeah.With some other more curses". Hoseok doing some small nod.

"He said that?And the small friend of his don't even hide that from you?And you have a heart to tell me what that Taehyung guy had cursed the shit out of me?" Jungkook ask, feeling fire in his body that can blows up anytime.

"Jungkook, I'm your friend.I would never hide anything".

"What the--ah forget it".Jungkook looks done.He feels like Hoseok is just 'too good friend' for him that he needs to tell everything, including when someone is flipping him off.

"So what are you gonna do, Jungkook?" Namjoon ask.

"I need to see this boy".

Yeah.Like he said he will meet Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung is here, in an empty room for--yeah he don't even know why he's here.

A thorny haired guy called him just now and said a certain someone wants to meet him,in this room known as--yeah Taehyung don't even know what this room called.

It's empty,so empty that your voice will echoe on every single word coming out of your mouth.


And that's how his voice echoed.

Suddenly,he heard a loud thud behind him. He turn around as he can see a certain someone in the same room as him, closing the door, locking it from the inside.

"Someone is as bad luck as me?" Taehyung muttered, thinking that the boy is here because is the same as his reason, but his echoed voice is enough for the boy to hear,as the boy approaching him.

"You said something?" That guy suddenly ask.

Taehyung just look at that guy who is approaching him closer and closer, until they are one meter away from each other. Just like that, Taehyung can see something plastered on his face.More like...smirk?

"Kim Taehyung?"

Taehyung flinch a little, surprised on how this certain coconut headed freak guy know his name.

"Yeah and..who are you?"

The boy's smirk drop on the ground, as he roll his eyes.

"Gosh I can't believe someone has the nerve to ask me who am I.Anyways?I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook".

Taehyung look at him blankly, try to gain some tiny memory about a person named Jeon Jungkook.

"Jeon Jung--ohhh you're that cocky guy Jimin talked about". Taehyung exclaimed,having no guilt on his face.

LOVELY TUTOR(TAEKOOK FF)-completed✔️-Where stories live. Discover now