Chapter 34- Kissing In The Moonlight

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"Jungkook ah?"

"Yes my dear?". Jungkook's view switched from the screen phone to his boyfriend.

"Jin hyung told us to go outside, he cooked us some barbeque chicken for dinner".


"Yeah". Taehyung show his phone screen to Jungkook. From the group. He heard some non stop notifications sound appeared in his phone, but he was just too lazy to open it. Can't blame him though. The younger lean closer to the phone, eyes fixed on Seokjin's chat boxes in the group which are..

Jin hyungie: Yahh you brats!

Jin hyungie:Stop with all your lovey dovey moments!

Jin hyungie:Come outside and eat your dinner!

Jin hyungie:And control your Namjoon hyung here. He keeps destroying my things!

Joon hyungie: 😥

Jungkook gasp. "How did he know that he's interrupting our moment?"

Taehyung hit Jungkook's arm. "That's not the point, you jackass. Let's go now before Jin hyung turn into monster".

"Like Namjoon hyung? Monsters couple?"

Taehyung sigh. "Sometimes your mind is freaking me out., Jungkook. Let's just go, dude". Taehyung pull Jungkook's arm out of their room.

They went outside and see that everyone is already there. Taehyung approach Jin, who is still barbequing some chicken. He keeps hitting the chicken with the serving Tong. Not sure what he's up to.

"Hyungie!" Taehyung hug Jin's body from behind.

"Taetae you're finally here. Go have your dinner first baby". Jin ruffle Taehyung's hair.

"You had your dinner, Jin hyung?"

"Not yet, Taetae. But it's okay. I'll eat some rice later, don't worry about me. You should eat something with those brats first".

Taehyung chuckle. "Okay hyungie".

Taehyung make his move to the others, as he settled down in front of Jungkook. He looks at the dishes Jin prepared for them. There's a big bowl of barbequed chicken with some sauce, some fries in a plate and also some kimchi fried rice. Taehyung know Jin just want to have a barbeque tonight, that's why he didn't make any main dish other than the fried rice.

"Taetae, let's eat. The chicken and barbeque sauce Jin hyung made are so delicious". Jimin exclaim happily, eating his chicken wings. He grab a plate and put it near Taehyung.

The blondie smile. "Of course, it's Jin hyung you're talking about. All his dishes are chef's kiss". He said make Jimin grinned and nod his head.

Something caught Taehyung's eyes. Not a food or anything. Just Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok sit together in one line. Yoongi and Hoseok are fighting for the drumstick while Hoseok roll his eyes, being done when they are fighting and interrupting his eating moment. His espression says 'I shouldn't sit between these dorks in the first place'. At the end, Hoseok grab the poor drumstick from Yoongi and Jungkook then put it in his mouth, leaving the other two dumbfounded.

"Yahh you punk, why did you eat my drumstick?" Yoongi groan hitting Hoseok's shoulder.

"What? Instead of arguing like we already run out of drumsticks, which is not, you both just can give that to me and fight for another drumsticks".

Yoongi and Jungkook groan before both of them hit the back of Hoseok's head together make Hoseok groan in pain.

Taehyung laugh and shake his eyes. "Anyway Jimin ah, where's Namjoon hyung?".

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