Chapter 12- Observing Too Much

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Jimin fell down the chair. Oh well--not surprised.

Taehyung gasped. "Oh my God Jiminshi,are you okay?" Taehyung ask while helping Jimin to get up, while holding his laugh. Cause why not.

Knowing Jimin's natural not-requested habit is falling down the chair everytime he's laughing or shocked, somehow worried Taehyung about the dude's pure back, or even his hips and waist.

Well then he know, Jimin is just being Jimin. What is he supposed to do? Using some magic power to make all the chairs in this world disappear? Man he would if he could.

"I'm okay I'm okay. Well hahah you know I'm just being me. Anyway why are you calling me? And ohh wow you're in a good mood. What happened?" Jimin said, noticing his soulmate's happy espression.

Taehyung grin, showing his adorable boxy smile. "You know, just now Mrs Lee said that there will be a motivational programme held soon in a famous college at Seoul. And do you who'll give the talk? He is the best lecturer in that college. He has 15 years of experience in teaching and working experience. He also have been giving talks and speeches to students and even teachers. Colleges and schools are head over heals for him. And they invited some of students from our college to join. God I'm dying to go there Jiminshii". Taehyung exclaim happily while doing small jumps.

Jimin smile. He knows how is this one friend. Taehyung is someone who loves studying, well not to mention how brilliant he is. Also,Taehyung is so into motivational speech. When there will be a speech at college, school's or neighborhood, he never let go of the chance to join them.

"Woahh really? When is it, Taehyungie? What are the programmes will be held there?"

"Urmm as Mrs Lee said just now, it will he held around two weeks from now. There will be a motivational speech held in the morning till afternoon, there will also have some QnA and we could get the lecture's sign at the end of the day. He will also introduce us to some of his limited self-written motivation books which only the ones who come to the event can buy them, and that's what I've been dying to get. Do you think I could go, Jimin shi? Cause I'm thinking about the time and how would I manage Taeri. I never left her alone for whole day. It freaks me out to do that".

"Oh taetae. You don't have to worry about Taeri. I can take care of her for you. For the whole day, I don't even mind. I'm living alone anyway. But babe, do you know the cost of going there? It requires lots of money, hun".

"I know, Jiminie. But it's okay. By the end of this week, I will receive some payment from Jungkook. I'm sure, I can use the money for that event. Just I'm happy that you can help me taking care of Taeri for me". Taehyung thanked Jimin, couldn't be glad more then knowing Jimin is always by his side.

"Aishh don't mention it, babe. Taeri's my little sister too. Anyway, I've been meaning to ask you this. How's your tutoring session with Jungkook? It's been almost a week right?"

Taehyung sigh. "You asked? Oh my God Jimin you won't even understand how I can cope up with his attitude. Like...damn he's so stupid. How can he even be living being short-minded like that. He's that one of the biggest freak you could ever meet, if you're in a bad luck that day. Oh not to mention how nasty his mind is. You know in our first tutoring he already mentioned about porns? Like what the fuck dude?"

"Oh yeah and please know, he's so full of himself. He always think he's some kind of bratty-unwanted- playboy like damn who wants to be head over heals for him. And ughhh I can't stand his flirty ass. Everytime I'm teaching him, his naughty eyes will look at some ducky faced girl walking past us. Like dude how will he focus on me? I mean me tutoring him?"

"Godd his hard- coconut-headed is pissing me off Jimin. He won't listen to anything I said. He don't even know how to do calculus, won't receive my help when he said he can do it, he don't need my help and shits.. For God sake is he growing up being dumb like this?"

"And do you know how lazy he is? Woahh he's top-class lazy boy I've ever know. In the class, or even in the session, he still can be sleeping. Oh yeah I forgot that he always tease me Jimin. Like.. calling me with some weird ass names like beautaeful, breathtaeking? Are those words even exist? And--"

Taehyung stopped, looking at Jimin who is having mischievous smile on his face.


"Go on. Continue".

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jimin chuckle. "Oh baby.. don't you think you're observing him too much?"

"Wh.. what's that supposed to mean? I didn't?"

"You know that he's flirting with girls?"

"I mean..yeah he was doing that in front of me?"

"What about when you said just now that he's not focusing in class? You now do know he's in the same class as yours?"

"Ab..yeah? Wait how is that related to 'observing too much' , Jiminie?" Taehyung ask, still confused.

Jimin laugh. "Oh my God Taetae I can't with you. You're so cute. Damn I shipped you guys".

Taehyung scoffed as he playfully hit Jimin's arm. "Jiminshi, what are you talking about?"

"Hehehe nothing Taetae. Just don't mind me". Jimin grin as Taehyung just roll his eyes.

"Oh, Jimin. I wanna ask you something".

"Go ahead".

" you probably know someone..mhm named Suzy?"

"You don't know Suzy---oh I got it. How do you even know this girl?"

"Well she's kind of making a mess during our tutoring session lately".

Jimin roll his eyes. "Yeah, she's Jungkook's ex girlfriend. By that 'ex' I meant that she used to be Jungkook's girlfriend. And she's a bitch, Taehyung. I hate her".

"Well I can see that she's a bitch. Why did they broke up?"

"Hmm Hobi hyung once told me that she cheated on Jungkook, hooking up with a guy in boy's toilet. And she's just using Jungkook for money. Well yeah that's obvious".

Goshh Hoseok literally tell every single thing to Jimin.

Taehyung nod, mouthed 'oh' under his breath. Well good enough to say that he noticed how Jungkook wanna share some stories about that Suzy girl. Jungkook somehow seems..sad? Broken? He don't know.

"But Jungkook didn't have a broken heart".

Taehyung look up to Jimin, surprised that Jimin know what he's thinking about.

"What do you mean?"

"Technically, Jungkook was the one who asked for break up".

Taehyung knows.

"He was so fed up by Suzy's attitude".

Can't deny.

"And he's happy when they finally break up. He even celebrated his official break up".

Whoopsie, this caught Taehyung off guard.

"He celebrated?"

"Yeahh. Yoongi even kick her butt out of the place they're celebrating. Damn..super savage". Jimin said while chuckling causing Taehyung to laugh.

"He's that happy?"

"Yeah. You can't even trust that right? But I'm glad that he left Suzy. That girl is just too bitchy to be with him. Anyway why are you asking? Did she pick fight with you? Cause if she did, I would pick myself to dip her head in bowl full of hot oil".

Taehyung chuckly. "That's so kind of you to do that. But as I said, she was just interrupting our tutoring lesson, which I totally hate. I mean I chased her out, properly. And she chose to not listen to me".

Jimin gasp. "Please tell me you're cursing the shit out of her".

"Well that's my only way, you know that Jimin ah". Taehyung said as he wink at Jimin.

"Damn, you're really my soulmate,dude". Jimin said earning satisfied laugh from Taehyung.

To be continued...

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