Chapter 16- Childhood

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"That's it hyung I'm ending my life!" Hoseok shout, trying get his one leg on the wall at the rooftop.

Yoongi nod. "That sounds exciting".

Hoseok look at Yoongi in disbelief. "Yoongi hyung?!"

Jungkook and Taehyung come up the the rooftop with heavy breath. When they accidentally bumped to each other at the entrance of the college, they awkwardly walk besides each other. Suddenly Jungkook got a call from Yoongi, saying that Hoseok want to jump out of the rooftop. After that both of them rushed to the rooftop. Now they are here, looking at Hoseok who is having his only one leg on the wall, struggling to get up on it with his whole body. Hoseok keep cursing and saying that his legs are heavy.

"Oh my God, Yoongi hyung, what happened to Hobi hyung?" Jungkook ask, widening his eyes.

"Someone pranked him".

Jungkook gritted his teeth. He hates it when his hyung become like this because of certain someone.

"When we arrive at the class, we saw a box on the seat he always take. The box was written with 'to Hoseok' on it. Well you know Hobi is just being Hobi, he jumped like a total monkey when he know someone is giving him surprise".


"We opened the box, there was a little snake in it".

Jungkook raise his eyebrow, while Taehyung tilt his head in confusion.

"A toy snake of course".

"Oh my God, I can't with this hyung". Jungkook massage his head.

"Bro's got traumatized. And after that he shout his lungs out like dude--he make me go deaf after that he goes straight here, saying he want to jump out, and you look at that. He's still being struggle".

"Guys, I'm really gonna jump now. And none of you can stop me!"

"Do a backflip".

"Yoongi hyung?!"

Yoongi look at Jungkook. "What? I'm just supporting my friend".

"Whatever something with him. Where's Namjoon hyu--"

"Hoseok ahhh!!"

Namjoon fall down. He accidentally hit his head on the wall, as expected, from Kim Namjoon. Taehyung and Jungkook gasped.

"I'm surrounded by idiots". Yoongi said and rub his temple.

"Oh my God, Namjoon hyung. Are you alright?" Taehyung ask as he help Namjoon to get up.

"Oh yeah yeah I'm okay. Well things happened. Thankyou Taehyung".

Taehyung smile and nod.

"Kim Namjoon, I'm ending my life and you come late to see me off. Dude it's unfair ". Hoseok fake cry.

"Aishh I got you a hamburger ".

Hoseok look at Namjoon.

"And a sprite".

Hoseok pull back his leg on he ground, running to Namjoon.

"You're a lifesaver. Let's go". Hoseok said while pulling Namjoon and Yoongi, leaving the sighing Jungkook and the still confused Taehyung.

"He hates snakes?"

"Nahh he's just scared of them. Even if it's real snake, or fake snake, those terrify him".

"I see".

Taehyung walk away, but then stopped when he feel his arm got pulled. He turn around, looking at Jungkook who is pursing his lips together.

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