Chapter 25- Sleep Call

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"Okay fellows. We end our class here". As soon as the lecturer in her 30s said that, the students began to pack their things.

"Oh yeah remember that you're going to sit in your final exam about less that a month from today. So make sure to prepare yourself and study hard yeah. I'm going to give you some tips for your subjects soon in the group".

Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other. Taehyung can read Jungkook's espression. Seeing how worried that brown haired boy is, he smile sweetly. Jungkook then smile back at him.

Time skip...

Taehyung look at Jungkook who is spacing out. Jungkook sigh.

"You know that's your 10th sighs. What's wrong with you?" Taehyung ask, closing his book.

"Finals are coming, Taehyung".

"And then?"

"I'm scared"

"Why should you? Your tutor is right in front of you now and you have the audacity to say that you're scared of the finals? Do I even have a function in being your tutor all these times?"

"What, I don't mean like that, Taehyung. It's just that...I don't think I can do it. I still need to learn more. Do you think you can increase the hours for our tutoring session?"

Taehyung sigh. "Actually, you got a point there. I mean... it's impossible to catch up on the whole chapters for our subjects in less than a month. So, we gotta use a short cut".

"What short cut?" Jungkook raise an eyebrow.

"You know the tips our lecturers provide for us, so we will use them. We'll focus on the topics that they told us to. By that, we won't have to struggle on the whole chapters".

"Wow, you've been doing this for the previous semesters?"

Taehyung nod. "Yep. I mean who would want to read a whole damn thick book? No matter how smart I am, my brain is not that 'Einstein' to memorize all this shit. So that's why, focusing in class is a must".

Jungkook's smile drop. "Are you mocking me?"

"Are you denying it".

Jungkook's frown turned to grin. "Well yeah, you're right".

"Anyway, your father know that you got a tutor?"

"He knows. Actually, he was the one who suggested me to find a tutor in the first place. I used to think that's kind of ridiculous. But then I think, it's not that bad".


"Yeah. To me, having a personal tutor, is like having an accompanion. We never know each other, about our life, but suddenly we spent our time together, after finishing our classes. So that's how both of us become close, and care to share about our problems and stories. At least after classes, after separating with friends, we still have our personal tutor to spend time with".

Taehyung smile. "You're talking about us?"

"I guess so".

Both of them chuckle.

"Umm..hello?" In half sleepy state, Taehyung answered the call.

"Hello, are you sleeping?"

"Jungkook ah. Should I tell you it's already freaking 3 am in the morning? What am I supposed to be doing right now instead of sleeping?"

"It's 3? Oh yeahh hahaha my bad".

"Anyway why are you calling me? You didn't sleep?"

"Actually I can't sleep. I just finish studying, scrolling my social media but still, I can't seems to close my eyes. I don't know why?"

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