Chapter 21- An Apology

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Someone knock on the door. Jin open it, just to be hugged by a certain someone.

"Jinnie oppaa".

Jin smile, hugging Taeri back. "My baby, you come. I missed you. Come on get in". Jin said to Taeri and Taehyung, causing the blondie to nod and walk in the house.

"Awww who is this little cutie?" Hoseok ask, cooed at Taeri's little run to them.

"Hi, my name is Kim Taeri. I'm Kim Taehyung's little sister". Taeri introduce herself and bow to her oppas.

"Aww she's so cute. She resembles you a lot, Taehyung ah".

Taehyung smile, as he take a seat beside Yoongi.

"Hello, cutie. My name is Namjoon. This is Hoseok. The other one is Yoongi and beside him named Jungkook. We are all your oppa's friends". Namjoo said while smiling.

"Waaa oppa really have a handsome friends". Taeri said and smile shyly.

"Taeri my baby!!" Jimin come out from the kitchen, already spreading his arms, welcome Taeri in his embrace.

"Aww babyy I missed you. Have you missed me hmm?" Jimin ask, crouching down to Taeri's level.

"I missed you too, Jimin oppa".

"Really? How nice. Let's go play with me. I brought many toys for you". Jimin said as he hold Taeri's hand upstairs to the room where he put the toys.

Namjoon turn his head to Taehyung. "How old is she, Taehyung? She's so small".

"She's 10, hyung. I know right? Her body is just little and she's so childish. So it's not weird for you guys to think that".

"Yeah, but no worries, she will grow up soon, like her brother. Taehyung was a really little kid back then too. Even smaller that Jimin. But right now Jimin has to look up to see him". Jin chuckle.

"Hyung, don't you forget that you always torture me to eat vegetables?" Taehyung said, rolling his eyes.

Jin ruffle Taehyung's hair. "I won't forget that, my baby".

Taehyung smile.

Seeing Taehyung smile, made Jungkook smile too. Even it it's not himself to make the blondie boy smile.

So that's Kim Taeri, Kim Taehyung's only sibling. His little sister. The one that got sick because of him. The one Taehyung protected a lot. At the moment he saw Taeri just now, he can't stop smiling. Taeri resembles a lot of Taehyung, especially their similar cute boxy smile.

Not to mention that girl is so friendly. Kids surrounded by older guys are sometimes complicated and awkward, but not to Taehyung's little sister. She's so polite towards people she just met. So he can say that Taeri is a very lovely and adorable girl.

After done getting a rubber band, Jimin go back to the room where he left Taeri for a while just now, and something caught his eyes.

He's right now seeing a rare sight where Yoongi is playing barbie with Taeri. Yoongi even imitate Barbie's girly voice, made Jimin chuckle softly as he cross his arms on his chest and lean his body against the wall.

An adorable gummy smile visible on Yoongi's lips. Jimin somehow find it cute. To be honest, he never saw Yoongi with a big smile like that. He don't even know that Yoongi knows how to entertain kids. He just know that certain someone named Min Yoongi is just a savage boy who love to sleep and acting like a total rock. But now, he see some differences in the green haired boy.

Jimin approach them and sit down on the floor near Taeri, facing Yoongi who is smiling.

"Taeri ah, come sit on my lap. I'll tie your hair". Jimin caught Taeri's attention as the girl nodded and sit on his lap.

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