Chapter 17- Chocolate Cake

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Yoongi rushed into the classroom after hearing some shouts.

"What happen what happ---holy shit...". Yoongi froze at the sight when Namjoon and Jin is at the classroom, together, with no other else.

At the same time, Jimin go into the room, after hearing Jin scream. He also froze seeing Namjoon and Jin together in the empty classroom. Yeahh the thing is..Hoseok shout first, then Jin and Namjoon shout together.

"Jin hyung?"

"Jimin shi. I..I can explain. Just.. let's get out of here first". Jin said and pull Namjoon and Jimin out of the class, leaving Yoongi who is still froze and Hoseok who is traumatised.

Hoseok turn his head to Yoongi.

"You got any holy water?"

"Hoseok, can you just calm yourself down?" Namjoon ask, as Hoseok is just being fussy all the time.

"Dude, I just witnessed the gayest moment in my whole life".

"What do you mean by the 'gayest moment?"

"So could you tell me why I came into the classroom and saw you and Jin hyung kissed? You know I'm not being homophobic, but you could get a room or something".

Jimin gasped. "Jin hyung? You and Namjoon hyung kissed? You guys know each other?"

From few miles away, Taehyung and Jungkook tilt their head in confusion, seeing their friends are like in the middle of a serious conversation. Looks like they just caught someone doing a bad thing.

They decided to approach their friends, without anyone notice.

"Well... actually me and Namjoon are boyfriends".

Jin's statement earn some gasps from others, including Taehyung who has hi eyes widened.

"Since when? How did you guys know each other?" Jimin ask, still shocked.

"About...few months ago". Jin laugh nervously, as he earn another gasps.

"Jesus Christ...". Jungkook let out causing everyone to look at him. He grin and say 'don't mind me'.

"About how did we know each other..urmm".

"He broke my pink mirror".

All of their jaw dropped on the ground.

Yoongi rub his temple. First Hoseok and Jimin first met because of a head smacking, and this time Jin and Namjoon first met because of a mirror breaking. What kind of stupidity are these?

"Jin hyung you hate it when someone break your mirror". Jimin said, as he know his hyung's behaviour.

"Dude he helped me cleaned it up. When you and Taehyung break something of mine, do you guys even care?"

Taehyung mouthed 'oopsie' and hide himself behind Jungkook's body, as Jungkook chuckle, finding it cute and funny.

Jimin roll his eyes, know exactly what his Jin hyung's talking about. "Well you do know me and Taetae are running around the house. Who told you to put the glass at the edge of the table. Blame your old brain for that".

"Aigoo Jimin ahh never mind, you're always right, cutie". Jin said while smiling, giving a 'want to get beaten? My boyfriend's here you dipshit' look to Jimin. As Jimin just chuckle nervously.

"So..what have Namjoon done to your things so far, Jin hyung?" Yoongi ask. Well as he know, no one can put up with Namjoon's God of Destruction thingy.

"Okay first he broke my pink mirror which was kind of pissed me off, but luckily he helped me, and even buy me a new one, after that..he carried my books and the books fell down, like papers scattered everywhere..and then.."

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