Chapter 36- The Secret of Banana Milk

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While walking together to the exam hall, Taehyung look beside him, at Jungkook who has being silent and having worried espression on his face.

Taehyung stop walking, but Jungkook didn't stop. That makes Taehyung know, his boyfriend is in deep thoughts about something and don't care about his surroundings. Usually, Jungkook will also stop and look at Taehyung, means he notice something wrong. But this time, it's different.

Seeing Jungkook who never intended to stop walking and look back, Taehyung decided to walk faster until he reach Jungkook as he cling onto his boyfriend's arm.

"Jungkookie, are you okay, you've been quiet since we arrived here". Taehyung ask, cutely lay his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"I'm okay baby. It's just..I never feeling this much nervous before sitting on exam like this. I'm scared, what if I can't do well".

Taehyung gasped. "You're feeling scared knowing the one tutored you was your own boyfriend. Should I be sad for that?"

"What, no baby. I didn't mean any of that. You are a good tutor. It's just me. Feeling nervous and anxious are just first time for me. I don't know how to calm myself down right now".

Taehyung pull Jungkook's arm, making both of them stop walking as he make Jungkook face him.

He suddenly hold Jungkook's head, closing his eyes and his head slightly brought up.

"Dear Lord, please bless my Jungkookie with an excellent brain, make him passed the test easily and give him some piece of thoughts and unstressed mind. And please make him know how much this cute boyfriend of his love him so much. Amen". Taehyung end his prayer by kissing Jungkook's both cheeks.

Jungkook let out cheeky laugh. "You prayed for me?"

"Of course. Jungkook ah, everything's gonna be fine. Whatever going to happen, I'm always be by your side and I wish you all the best. I'm sure you can do it. I trust this coconut-headed boy of mine". Taehyung said and pinch Jungkook's cheeks.

"Thank you baby. You really calmed me down. I will do my best. All for you. I'll not make our tutoring sessions go wasted just like that. You can trust me, Taehyung".

The blondie smile. "I know. Now, let's go". Taehyung intertwine their fingers and walk to the exam hall, with the smiling Jungkook beside him.

Time skip...

"Sup, doofus". Hoseok greet, settling himself down on the bench.

"Nice way to greet us. Thank you". Yoongi said sarcastically.

"Anytime". The younger nod.

"So how your exams. An honour to say, mine was awesome. I studied everything that will be on exam. And I can say, I will get good pointer. Damn it feels so good".

"I can do that just now with my eyes closed". Yoongi, who is laying his head on Jimin's shoulder said with proud smug on his face.

"Mine was good too. I mean I don't really care, it's just an English and I've been studying English with my boyfriend since forever. And no need to ask Joon. You know damn well his answers".

"Yeah he will go like 'I don't know, I don't think I can get good marks for that'. And at the end, he got the most outstanding pointer than us. Damn this dude's unworthy". Hoseok said and laugh, making Namjoon chuckle, not denying it.

"You all got easy questions? Damn mine was hard. I didn't get to read that many chapters. But that's okay, I manage to answer everything. Pretty well to say that I can get average pointer for that. Anyway, where's Jungkook and Taehyungie?" Jimin ask, looking around.

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