Chapter 29- Mall Date+Yoongi's Birthday

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Taehyung's eyes lighten up looking at his surroundings. The shopping mall opened half an hour ago and it already filled with many people. It's so crowded that Jungkook have to pull Taehyung closer to him.

It's not that he never been to shopping mall. He did, when he was just little, with his whole family. Simply saying that it's been a long time since he go to any shopping mall. Busy with studies, looking for job and taking care of Taeri could be the reasons he have no time to treat himself.

Jungkook chuckle, looking at Taehyung who is still admiring the huge mall while spinning his body around. Taehyung's cute doe eyes somehow can't stop him to mumble a tiny 'cute' under his breath.

"Woahhh it's so big". Taehyung said in amusement.

"Yeap. This is the lobby, and maybe they are having promotions on clothes and accessories here, that's why it's kind of crowded. So let's keep close to each other. If we are looking for Yoongi's present, we can go to the second floor. You want to take a walk around here first? Or you want to go straight to the second floor?"

Taehyung look at Jungkook. "Let's go to the second floor then. I'm kind of uncomfortable here". Taehyung fidgeting his fingers.

"Sure. Let's go then". Jungkook pull Taehyung's arms.

"Jungkook ah I'm not a kid for you to pull me". Taehyung whine.

"Of course you're not. But I have to do this. According to my never-wrong instinct, with your beautiness someone might have staring at you right now. So keep close to me". Jungkook said and walk straight, avoiding to bump to any strangers around them.

Taehyung roll his eyes, even though he's feeling bunch of butterflies in his stomach now.

Time skip...

"So Jungkook ah, what does Yoongi hyung likes?" Taehyung ask, while looking around to find a shop sells suitable gift for Yoongi.

"If you ask me his favourite colour, he likes black. About clothes, he likes sweater or hoodie. For accessories, you can give him caps or headband. But he has too many of those in his house. And he don't ever wear them. I don't know, collections I guess. If you wanna give him beverages, he eats everything. I mean all kinds of food. But he likes pork belly the most. Yoongi hyung doesn't really like flowers, both real and plastic flowers. Cause he said those can't be eaten. I mean he got a point there. I gave him sneakers for his last year's birthday, so this year I think I will give him a black sweater". Jungkook answered.

"You'll give a sweater? Hmm.." Taehyung turn his head to Jungkook. "Jungkook ah, do you think he will like it if I give him a plushie?"

Jungkook chuckle. "Oh Taehyung ah, as long it can benefit his sleep, I'm sure he would like it".

"Really? Then let's go to the shop that sells plushies over there". Taehyung exclaim happily and drag Jungkook's hand somewhere near them.

Time skip....

Jungkook turn his head to Taehyung, who is walking happily while carrying a plastic bag in his hand. As soon as they bought their own gift for Yoongi, Taehyung looks so satisfied.

Taehyung bought an elephant middle sized plushie, while Jungkook bought a pair of black sweater, designed with black and white striped lines along the arms.

"I hope Yoongi hyung will like my present for him".

"Of course he will, Taehyung. No need to worry about it". Jungkook smile.

"We're done right? Can you send me back home?"

"Of course I can. But let's eat something first".

"But.. it's 7 pm, Jungkook".

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