Appreciative Words

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Dude it's fucking 3 am---never mind I just like this suffer called insomnia.

Anyway, damnn this book's finished. It took longer time then I thought. And I'm not regret about it .

Soooo. Actually, I'm so sad that this book has to end. Like I don't want it, it's so good. Oh my God I just praising myself just now what the freak---okay as I said, I don't want to end this story. To me...the love between Taekook are so clean and pure. Even is it's just story, I can't push away the fact that it feel so real

But as they said, story needs ending. And it's our option, to make it good or bad. Technically saying, I can finish my story with happy ending or unhappy ending. But I chose happy ending, for myself, and for the ones who's going to read my story. Which is you guys.

So, kindly read my story and share your opinion about it. Also don't forget to vote, and read my other books. I will really appreciate you guys.

Dang it I need to sleep now. Don't forget to leave comments on those chapters. I love you guys to the moon and back. Me, in the name of Rosegirl, is making my way out right now. I purple you guys💜🌹🌹


LOVELY TUTOR(TAEKOOK FF)-completed✔️-Where stories live. Discover now