Chapter 3- In A Need

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Taehyung open the door with a big usual smile on his face.

"Taeri ahh come heree I brought you some food".

Soon,a 10 year old girl come running to Taehyung,as Taehyung spreading his arms.

"Taetae oppa you're home!".The little girl exclaimed happily,hugging his older brother.

His brother show her his boxy smile."Yes baby.Are you okay being here alone?"

"Yes oppa.But I'm so hungry.I look in the fridge but found nothing".Taeri pout.

Taehyung smile,pinching his little sister's cheek."Aww I'm sorry little girl.But look,I brought some food for you".Taehyung said, showing the plastic bag to Taeri as the girl smile.

"Come on let's eat". Taehyung said,pulling his sister to the kitchen so that they can enjoy their lunch together.

Time skip..

After rocking his sister to sleep, Taehyung go to his room, leaving the books on the table and grab his towel to take a shower

Somehow he never enjoys showering,while the water running down his whole body,leaving him with thoughts in his head,which he never wants.So he decided to increase his pace,but at the same time keeping himself clean before going out of the bathroom.

After finishing up,he go to his study table, continuing his assignment given by the lecturers just few hours ago.That's Kim Taehyung. He's not that sort of guy who enjoys procrastinating and doing works at the last minute,he thinks that will give him some headache and imperfect work.

Being a student is quite challenging for him.Waking up,early in the morning classes,coming back home at noon,having assignments and most importantly A not-so-function groupmates.In Taehyung's perspective,a lack in work teammates are normal,and such a pain in the ass.So he preferred to do all assignments by himself.

After doing some reading,he stretch himself, realizing he's been reading and doing his work for 3 hours.Like how fast time goes.

He open up his cupboard,taking out a box where he used to keep his changes in,which he's still doing until now.For this semester,he has been using up on almost all of the cash inside the used to be full box for his studies, food, electricity and Taeri's school expenses.He's been saving up since he did some part time jobs during the latest semester break.

Taehyung sigh."I need to get a job".

Time skip....

"Yo Jungkook,are you okay dude?" Namjoon ask,seeing Jungkook all frown,barely touch his food.

"Not really.I'm just doomed,hyung".

"Woah, sounds serious.What's going on?" Hoseok ask,taking a bite of his hamburger.

"My father.That's the wholesome problem.He knew about my grades for the previous semester".

"Well who wouldn't know?" Yoongi said while dozing off

"You mean about my grades?"

"About your dumbness". Yoongi reply.

"Woahh nice way to say that I'm stupid".

"Won't you admit?" Hoseok ask.

Jungkook blink his eyes for few times, before letting out heavy sigh.

"Yeah I admit that.You know me,hyung.I'm just too fool at studying.And I hate books,moreover focusing on the lecturer in front who is blabbering about God knows what and writing some hard-to-read notes on the whiteboard.Goshh those really bores me".

"Then you are the problem, Jungkook.You have no interest is study,let alone scoring for your final semester exam".Namjoon said slurping his noodles.

"And you never care about your grades.So why do you care now?" Hoseok ask.Knowing the fact that Jungkook won't have to worry about his future.Being a rich ass boy,he don't even need to score in his exam.The least he can get is a failed exam sheet and some sweet deathly glares from the lecturers.Seeing Jungkook this kind of stress talking about his grades somehow interest him to know the reason.

"That's the thing.My father said that if I fail this semester,he will block my credit card".

"You have plenty of credit cards in your thick-as-a-dictionary wallet".

"All the credit cards will be blocked.And also he will take my phones,my tablet,my video game,leaving me lifeless,waiting for my death bed".

"Cars?" Namjoon add

"Included,hyung". Jungkook said,running his fingers through his fingers,somehow annoyed, imagining all his priorities will be taken back by his father.

"Woahh that's some kind of deadly threats". Hoseok said,getting goosebumps.

"Hyung,I need to pass this semester's exam".He said to Namjoon.


"So I won't get my credit card's blocked,of course".

"No you fool.I mean so,what are you gonna do?"

"I need someone to tutor me".Jungkook said,still looking at Namjoon,while the other two just look at them,feel that they know what Jungkook mean when he said that to Namjoon.


"Aishh be my tutor,Joon hyung".


"Why not?You are a tutor."

"Yeah.But you know my way in teaching.My students are either smart,or low..but not so low.Means,they still know the basic in everything.But you boy..." Namjoon can't continue his words.

"You are as lazy as a mouse,as dumb as a dog,and as slow as a cow.You're just too stupid that Namjoon can't even add you to his students group".Yoongi said, earning glares from Hoseok and Namjoon.

"Woahh hyung,that kinda hurts". Jungkook said, holding his chest.

"What?I'm telling the truth.There's no wrong in me to be honest to my dude.And you are aware about it, right Jungkook?"

Jungkook somehow nod.He is aware of the fact that he's a dumb boy,who never wants to study.And the thing is, he's aware,but he never care about it.

"Yeah you're right".

Namjoon notice how down his boy is.He touch Jungkook's shoulder.

"But there's nothing wrong in trying, right?"

Jungkook look at Namjoon.

Time skip...

"Aarggh I'm fucking giving up".Jungkook growled,throwing his pen at God knows where.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Yoongi ask,somehow caught off guard.

"The problem is the way you're teaching,Namjoon hyung.Nobody or even Thoman Edison and Isaac Newton will even understand that,for God sake".

"But we all got what he taught".Yoongi said,as Jungkook look at him as fast as lighting.

"Yeah.Like how are you even that dumb,Jungkook?You stupidness scares the shit out of me,dude".Hoseok add.

"Aahhh I can't take it.I can't freaking take this.I need to find a tutor".

"I need a personal tutor".

To be continued..

I know, it's already the 3rd chapter and Taehyung and Jungkook haven't even meet each other right?

Just wait then 😉

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