Chapter 22- In The Middle of The Road

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Taehyung squint his eyes open. He got his half body up, as he feels sharp pain in his head.

"Ohh fuckk my head hurts".

Taehyung look at the watch. His eyes widened seeing the time, it's already 8.30. Seeing the day, he sigh in relieve.

"Phew, it's saturday. At least I don't have to go college today. Taeri in her room".

Taehyung completely getting up from his bed. Almost losing his balance, he tried hard to stand straight, with his hurtful head.

Taehyung open Taeri's room door, finding Taeri who is on her bed, playing with her toys, probably the once Jimin got for her yesterday.

"Taeri ah?"

Taeri look at the door and smile looking at her messy brother. "Oppa, you woke up".

Taehyung smile, sitting on his sister's bed. "Yes baby. Was something happened last night?"

Taehyung ask, somehow nervous. He's afraid that Taeri know how drunk he was yesterday.

"After playing with Jimin Oppa, I saw you sleeping, and your friends said that you're tired. So they sent us back last night".

Taehyung sigh in relieve, knowing Taeri just assumed that he was 'sleeping'.

"Then, who brought us home".

"Ggukie oppa?"


"Ggukie oppa. Your friend who has the cute bunny smile". Taeri giggle.

Taehyung widened his eyes. "You mean Jungkook oppa?"

"He told me to call him Ggukie oppa".

"Oh..umm then..he brought us home with his car?"

"Yes. And Jimin oppa also followed us. After talking with Ggukie oppa, I fell asleep in his car. So maybe Jimin oppa carried me to my room, and Ggukie oppa carried you to your room".

"He carried me?" That caught Taehyung off guard. How come he never aware that Jungkook carried him to his room? And he wondered why he didn't wake up last night. I mean.. even if he's drunk, he could at least remember tiny things that happened last night.

'Did I pass out?' Taehyung thought to himself. Yeah he still didn't know that his head got smacked by Hoseok.

Taeri shrug her shoulder.

"Anyway, you told me that your Jungkook oppa--"

"Ggukie oppa". Taeri insisted on Taehyung to dress Jungkook as Ggukie oppa.

"Yeah I mean your Ggukie oppa...talked to you last night. What did he talk about?"

"He ask me many questions. And Ggukie oppa is so cute. Everytime I talk him he always show me his bunny smile. It's poor that you didn't see that last night, oppa".

"Oh". Taehyung just nod, Jungkook's face with a bunny smile on his face appeared in his mind.

"Also he said sorry to me".

"Hmm? Why?"

"He told me that he's the one who gave you that expired chocolate cake, that caused me to be sick. He told me that you're so mad at him, because I was sick because of him. But oppa, that's my fault too. Actually, there was expiry date written beneath the box of the chocolate cake. But I ignored it and keep eating the cake". Taeri said and let our dry chuckle.

"What? Taeri ahh why do you never tell me about it? You made me worried".

"Hehehe sorry oppa".

Taeri hold Taehyung's hand. "But oppa, please don't be mad at Ggukie oppa. He's not at fault. I'm the one who's not being careful in what I ate. You know, when he said sorry last night, he sounded so sad that he wanted to cry. Poor him, oppa. He really want you to forgive him.

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