Chapter 5- A Big No

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"And you freaking agreed?" Jin raise his voice a little,after hearing the news from Jimin.

"Yeah".Jimin smile proudly."Aren't you proud of me?"

"How can I be proud when I know you're letting Taehyung dealing with some shitty bad boy?"

Taehyung,who is just arriving at the scene, confused why his soulmate and his big brother arguing.He cleared his throat.

"Oh Taehyung.You're here.I got a surprise for you,dude".Jimin exclaim

"Really?What kind of surprise?"

"A good one--wait what's that supposed to mean?"

Taehyung shrug his shoulder."I don't know.Your surprises sometimes freaks me out". Taehyung said, as the 'avoid-to-remember' memory come into his mind,when Jimin surprised him with box full of toads on his 17th birthday,like two years ago,and he still has the Jimprisephobia as in afraid of Jimin's surprises.

"Oh whatever.Anyway guess what?I found you a job!"

Jimin stated as his eyes grow bigger,"Woahh really?What job?".

"Okay so you will be a tutor of a student here, named Jeon Jungkook". Jimin said, expecting Taehyung to cheer loud or clap his hands.

Instead, Taehyung just look at him blankly."Who's that?"

Jimin gasped as his mouth opened wide,just like his eyes right now.

"You don't know the Goddess Jeon Jungkook?"

"What a name.Who might that be?" Taehyung ask, crossing his arms on his chest.

That's Kim Taehyung.He knows everything.But when it comes to people in his college,he knows nothing.

Like fucking nothing

Like he didn't even know who is Jeon Jungkook.

Jin roll his eyes,turning Taehyung's body to face him."Let me tell you about it boy. Jeon Jungkook is well known in this college.Like everybody knows him.I'm kinda surprised that you don't know, but that's okay. Jungkook is a hearthrob,a thypical bad boy, an insane silly kid and shit,not to mention that he's that kind of a playboy who breaks some stupid girls heart,and he's proud being that".

"Besides, he's just a well known dumbest kid in this college,like never care about grades,but I don't know what's happening to him,that he's desperately needs a tutor,like Jimin told you".

"But let me tell you boy, besides those his three idiots,no body can stand his attitude, including the lecturers.If you want me to be honest, his annoying freak lame bad boy-ish attitude kinda pissing me off. He is one of the eyeshore figure that you need to avoid as much as you can, Taehyung".

"Woahh seems like you guys know everything about that well-known guy.But hyung,you said that he's a bad boy, and he desperately needs a tutor.My work is just tutoring him, not being his bad boy attitude changer.So what's the worst thing could happen?" Taehyung ask, feeling odd as his hyung want him to avoid that Jeon Jungkook guy so much.

"That's the thing.He's a son of a rich parents that own a big company.And he's fucking proudly being cocky about it.He thinks he can buy everything with money, besides using his annoying handsome face to attract girls.He's having one of the shitty behaviour that you hate,Kim Taehyung".

Taehyung turn his head to Jimin,who is grinning.


"Well I thought it would be some great opportunity for you". Jimin let out small chuckle

"Yeah.I won't let myself dealing or even near with some cocky-ass rich guy for me to tutor.You know me right, Jiminshi?"

Jimin sigh and nod, knowing how his soulmate hates rich people for certain reason.And he won't even blame Taehyung for that.

Taehyung pat Jimin's shoulder."I thank you for looking for my job with you.But don't worry.I can find another job.Just as long as they don't know about me, I'll be fine".

Jimin grin more,looking at Taehyung."Well.. that's the thing.."

"Don't tell me...". Taehyung's smile dropped.


"You already told them about me?!" Here comes the Kim Taehyung storm.

"Which was the topic I argue with him just now".Jin said,as he roll his eyes.

"Umm well you can say that..I them your picture".

"What the hell--okay you know what?I'm outta here". Taehyung said, totally done with the conversation, walking away.

"Where are you going?" Jin shouts

"To pick up Taeri at her school". As he shouts back.

Jimin is in a rush,he wants to pee so freaking bad, that's when he bump into green haired short guy who is having earphones stuffed in both of his ears.

Like how a scene in some cliché drama it would be, both of them fall on the ground, their books flying like JK in Euphoria era and both hissing in pain.

"Ouch, what was that Mr Green-haired Guy?" Jimin said, standing up as he collecting his books.

"Watch where you're going,shorty?"

"Hey, how dare you call me like that?Do you know who I am?" Jimin groan,asking this stupid question like some gangsters is mature-content movie, where some kind of nerdy guy bump into a gangster and realizing he will be haunted for the rest of his life while having a peed-in-pants freak out.

"Should I call police? And how should I ask? A certain brown-haired short ass kid was lost in this adult hell place and can't seems to remember his fucking self after he hit his head on the wall?" The savage boy said.

Jimin scoffed.He curse under his breath as he mouthed "the audacity.."

"You know what?I don't even care and I don't want this shitty-first-time meet to be the cause of me pee my pants.So like..get the hell away from me". Jimin said as he storm away, as he can feel his pee is screaming to come out of his body.

That green haired boy rolling his eyes."Weirdo". As he walk away.

Taehyung sit on his bed, drying his wet hair with his white towel, staring at some unknown space or I can say, he's spacing out,while drying his hair.

The memory of Jimin and Jin introduced him to some chocky ass bad boy coming into his mind.

He knew,it was a great opportunity to gain some money by being a tutor,cause he know it so well that But to be a tutor to some arrogant love-to-brag rich kid, that's a big no.

A heavy sigh leaving himself.He place his towel somewhere, moving his body to his bed,decided to have some good night sleep and getting rid thoughts that coming into his mind.


Jungkook has his half body laid on the edge of the bed,as he is looking through his gallery, focusing on a picture of cute smiley figure that he will get to see soon.

The picture shows only half body part of the boy, but that doesn't stop Jungkook to focusing on it. The angelic face, the can-make-anybody-melt smile,that big doe eyes.He's really looking forward through all of it.

Jungkook tried to get rid of any dirty thoughts, totally reminding himself that he's straight.But damn..he can't, there's something he can't figure out after looking at the picture.He just knows he can't stop looking at it. Unknowingly, a smile plastered on his face.

"Kim Taehyung. Interesting".

To be continued...

Just a little spoiler for the next part.

Jungkook and Taehyung will meet each other.

That's it.


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