Chapter 48(Final)- Our Fate

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Taehyung hug himself, feeling a little bit cold by the night wind at the park. Luckily he wore a jacket, prevent himself from being too cold. While waiting for Jungkook, he look up, at the shining stars on the sky, and the full moon located right up his head. He smile, feeling his eyes blessed by looking at the night view of the sky.

"Here you go, a sweet strawberry ice cream, for a sweet princess". Jungkook take his seat beside Taehyung, holding two cones of ice cream in his hands, pass the strawberry one to Taehyung.

Taehyung take the ice cream. "Thankyou, Jungkook ah". He straight on biting the ice cream, make him close his eyes tightly.

"Mmmhh it's cold!". Taehyung whimper in coldness.

"Of course baby. That's why I've been wondering why do you want to eat ice cream right now, in the middle of the cold wind around us".

"I just felt like it Kookie. Plus it remind me of something. This place was where we had our hang out for the first time right?"

Jungkook nod. "Of course. This is also where we used to have our tutoring lessons together. I can never forget that, Taehyungie".

Taehyung smile, scooting himself closer to Jungkook as he lay his head on Jungkook's shoulder. "Neither can I".

Time skip...

While taking walk around the park, Jungkook can feel Taehyung's hand is shaking, cause they are literally holding hands with each other right now.

"Baby, your hands are shaking. You must be so cold. Want to go back now?"

Taehyung shake his head as a no. "I don't want to, Kookie. I still wanna walk with you. A hug for me from your big body is enough, Jungkookie". Taehyung said with a pout.

Jungkook chuckle. "Why don't you say so. Come here, sweetie pie".

Jungkook open up his jacket he's wearing widely. Taehyung waste no time to get himself in that jacket, hummed as he finally get some warmness.

"Hmm it feels good".

Jungkook smile, securing Taehyung safely in that jacket, pulling his boyfriend's body closer to himself. With the big jacket of his and Taehyung's tiny body, Jungkook easily can wrap the older in it, at the same time making both of them feel warm.

Taehyung look up to Jungkook, staring deeply in his eyes. Jungkook is doing the same. Lost in Taehyung's eyes, he lean closer, gently kiss Taehyung's lips. Taehyung response to the kiss, not pushing his own boyfriend away.

Tilting their head left and right, Jungkook hold Taehyung's nape, deepening the kiss. Smooching sounds can be heard between their kisses. It feels so good devouring each other's lips, making none of them want to pull away.

After a while, Jungkook pull away first. And as for Taehyung, he's out of breath, but he's not satisfied enough. He wants to kiss Jungkook more.

"Mmmhh more..." Taehyung whisper.

"What, baby?"

"Kiss me more, Kookie".

"Baby, you're out of breath".

"I don't care. I need those lips right now, Kookie. Kiss me more".

Listening to his boyfriend, Jungkook connect their lips again, regarding to the fact that he also can't stop devouring the older's sugar lips.

Their kiss started to get heated. Both be really needing each others lips right now. Avoiding to hurt Taehyung, Jungkook just lick the older's lips, asking for permission to enter his tongue, that Taehyung gladly give in.

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