Chapter 14- Kims and Jeons

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"5 out 10. An improvement". Taehyung said and give the papers to Jungkook back.

Jungkook smile proudly. "Damn.. I'm getting good at this. Okay so.. I'm heading back. See ya". Jungkook about to pack his bag.

"No you're not".

Jungkook turn his head to Taehyung. "Excuse me?"

"You're not going anywhere. Stay here and finish these exercises". Taehyung give Jungkook some more papers.

"Are you torturing me?"

"No. I'm tutoring you. Sit your ass down now".

Jungkook roll his eyes. "Smartypants". He mumbled under his breath.

"That's more like it". Taehyung suddenly said.

"What do you mean?"

"That name. It suits me". Taehyung said, slightly smile.

"Oh really? The what name do you think suitable for me?"

Taehyung look at Jungkook. "Junglebook, cocky ass boy, brown haired dumbo, I don't know. It's too many".

Jungkook's smile dropped. "Oh come on, you gotta think some suitable and proper names for me. Like when I call you beautaeful? Or... breathtaeking? That suits you, and proper too".

"Yeah, for you. You're literally creating up weird words with my name every middle of the words".

"No, I put your name in the front too".

Jungkook said as Taehyung just look at him while raising an eyebrow, waiting for Jungkook to say the name he talked about.

"Like taecock and taebooty?"

Taehyung sigh. "Can't you be nastier, Jeon Jungkook?". He mock.

Jungkook smirk. "Well you asked me to. Want a jungcock and jungbooty?"

Taehyung widened his eyes. "Eww what the hell, you moron?!" Taehyung shout, slightly hit Jungkook's arm with his book.

"What? You asked me to". Jungkook chuckle while avoiding Taehyung's book.

"But you don't have to--okay you're just too dumb to understand me". Taehyung sigh.

"Anyway, I really gotta ask you this. How are you so clever?"

"I studied".

Jungkook roll his eyes. "Braggy answer ".

Taehyung shrug."No offense but look at yourself, Jungkook. Your dumbness creeps me out".

"Blah blah blah whatever. Don't nag at me now like Joon hyung".

"Namjoon hyung? He nags?"

"Worse. Lectures. Saying some unclear words that I don't ever heard? English? Goddamnit his english is somehow frustrate me. And his slang, don't let him talk to me with his slang, I'm gonna beat him so bad. No need to know about his blown up mind, cause you already know about it".

Taehyung chuckle. "Yeah, those are some facts you need to know about Kims".

"Uhuh? What about Jeons?"

"Well Jeons are basically a grand surname, but doesn't suit some of the people who had it. Like a certain Jeon.." Taehyung look at Jungkook, who is raising his eyebrow.

"They are just some dumb jocks who has no any life purpose, likely to know as 'people's troublemaker' who has no other job other than being a burden to other's life. My 'certain Jeon' was meant to be you, Jeon Jungkook".

Jungkook poke his tongue in his inner cheek, slightly being offended by Taehyung's statement.

"Then, wanna know my opinions about Kims? Well to me some Kims are just a basic surname, but damn don't ever look down on the people who use it. There are some unexpected Kims".

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