Chapter 43- The Mother

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As both of them stood in front of the door, Taehyung look beside, at his boyfriend who seems a little tensed. He carefully touch Jungkook's shoulder.

"Jungkookie, are you okay?"

"I'm okay Taetae. It's just that... I'm meeting someone I haven't met in ages. It gives me chills".

Yeah right. Jungkook and Taehyung is right in front of a door of someone's house, which is Jungkook's mother. His father gave this address to him. So that's why, he bring Taehyung too, to meet his mother. It's a bit weird that he's actually going to meet his mother now, the one he's surely not gonna recognise. Neither Jungkook, or Taehyung. Both is going to see a same person at the same time.

The door opened, revealing a woman in her 30s with a smile on her face. As soon as she see Jungkook, her smile dropped, replaced with surprised expression

"J.. Jungkook.". Mrs. Jeon called out her son's name.

"How are you, my son?"

Jungkook nod his head. "I'm doing good, umm..."

The woman smile, seeing Jungkook pursed his lips together, seems nervous.

"Mom. Just call me mom".

"I'm..good, mom".

"And who's this handsome guy you brought along, Jungkook ah?" Mrs Jeon smile, turning her gaze towards Taehyung.

Taehyung slightly bow. "Good morning, Mrs.Jeon. My name is Kim Taehyung, Jungkook's tu--"


Both turned to Jungkook.

"Kim Taehyung is my boyfriend". Jungkook said, intertwining their fingers.

Mrs Jeon smile. "Nice to meet you, Kim Taehyung. I'm Jungkook's mom, Park Soomin. Just call me untie, sweetheart". The woman smile as Taehyung just nod his head.

"It's been a long time since we see each other, son".

Jungkook shake his head. "Never. We never see each other, mom. I came here because of dad. I got to ask an explanation about something from you".

"Sure. What is it about?"

"About dad. Mom, do you know about his past?"

"I guess your father already told you about his ex boyfriend, and the truth about why I asked him for divorce, right? I think your father confessed everything to you. So what do you want me to explain, son?"

Jungkook grab Taehyung's hand, intertwining their fingers together.

"Mom. Dad said you are homophobic. You left him because of that. Is that true, mom?"

"I'm not gonna lie to you, son. All the things your father said are true. I used to be homophobic, son. I got to know about your father's past after few months we got married. Still, he can't seems to forget that person. I can't face it, son. What would you do is the one you love right now is still can't move on from his past? I have no other choice than leaving your father. Who knows, if I left him, he would beg me to reconcile with him again. But it's just hopeless. Your father won't forget about that person. Their love is so strong, nothing can be an obstacles for them even though I got to know that person is already dead".

"To be honest, I really love your father, Jungkook. Or I wouldn't have you right now. I'm so sorry that I left you and your father just because of that silly reasons. I got to know, same gender relationship are just common nowadays. Me myself saw in front of my eyes how miserable your father was, missing someone that much. I knew it from the start, I will never replace that person in your father's heart. If being a homophobic would make my loved ones hate me, I would change myself, son. I would support anyone with their own love life".

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