Chapter 46- Revenge Mission on Suzy

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It's 6.00 pm. The couples are on the bed together. With cold air conditioner in the room, their naked body was covered with the big comfy white coloured blanket. Being close with each other technically means they never get enough towards one another. Just right like now, both are busy eating each other's faces.

Slowly, Taehyung's arm went up to be placed on Jungkook's neck, as he deepen the kiss.

Feeling his lips got licked, Taehyung open his mouth as he allow Jungkook to enter his tongue. Probably just know the fact that his lips are fully swollen right now, he think that's why Jungkook refuse to bite his lips anymore, like he usually do.

Taehyung whimper in pleasure when Jungkook move his tongue around his cavern. He never throw away the fact that Jungkook's kisses towards him are soft but full of pleasures. Jungkook really know how to lead the way they are kissing. Even with that light move, Taehyung can't stop himself to getting out the soft moans from his mouth.

Jungkook then get his face down to Taehyung's neck. Being as gentle as possible, he chose to not bite or suck Taehyung's neck, as he don't want his boyfriend to get hurt anymore. Instead, he just softly kiss Taehyung's neck, licking the marks he gave to that bruised neck.

Can't seems to separate his face away from Taehyung's body, Jungkook continue to give smooching kisses on Taehyung's shoulder. His arm softly caressing Taehyung the other side of his shoulder. Taehyung smile, he loves it when Jungkook shower him with the soft touches and kisses on his body.

Then again, Jungkook finally went up to kiss Taehyung's lips again. And of course Taehyung kiss him back.

Jungkook suddenly pull away from the kiss, not forgetting to give one last peck on Taehyung's lips.

"Mmhhh Jungkook why do you stop?". Taehyung whine. His voice barely can be heard, dedicating to how tired he is.

"Baby, you know that I can't get enough of your lips. But I have to stop, babe. You're tired enough. I might hurt your body again". Jungkook said with soft voice.

Taehyung exhale. "Thank God you know it. I just know that I can't move right now".

"I went too rough on you, right? I'm so sorry baby".

Taehyung smile. "No need to say sorry, Jungkookie. I was the one to start all that. But I didn't do it on purpose, honey. I didn't mean to seduce you or anything. When I said I'm jealous, I meant it, Jungkook".

"I know, baby. I understand you. You must be so mad when that girl mentioned about the first date, right?"

Taehyung sigh. "Yeahh. Like you didn't tell me anything about it. It made me think that you brought me to that place, just because you remembered about your little date with that girl. I can't stop myself from being triggered about it".

"Ohh babyy don't think like that please. I would never go to that place just because of that damn girl. I would be crazy enough to do that. I didn't tell you anything because, I don't think I have to, babe. Technically, she's right about something. On our first date, I brought her there, I'm not gonna lie to you about that. But trust me baby, date is just a date, and she's my ex now. There are no any sweet or lovely memories I should keep with her. That place being my favourite restaurant, it's true, but our favourite, no, she's really wrong about that".

"Damn it, I mistook it so much that I even ruin our date this morning. Dude I even break my promise that I will treat you. Aaarrh I feel so bad now. I'm really sorry, Jungkookie. I will pay you back".

Jungkook smile, caressing Taehyung's cheek. "Baby, it's okay. Don't be sorry about it. Plus, you actually paid me back, you know?"

"I did? How?" Taehyung ask, head tilted in confusion.

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