Chapter 2- Victory

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Jungkook is in front of the college,in his car.He is waiting for no other than his girlfriend,after suggesting to hang out at ice cream shop,which Suzy just agreed pretended to like the idea.

When I said hangout,then it's a hangout.It's not that kind of sweet date where the boy bring the girl to some big ass shopping malls,throwing away money on some clown suits or candle light dinner at the beach while sunrise.It's freaking hangout, and you'll discover the meaning later.

While waiting,he saw a figure few miles away from him. A blonde haired boy,in a complete formal suit is walking while reading a book.Like..who the hell would do that.Reading while walking.And not to even mention that the boy is walking in the middle of the road,like he's waiting for some drunk chicken truck driver to knock over him and being dead in the middle of the road like a dead toad.

Suddenly the dude trip on his own shoe,causing him to lost his balance and almost fell down,but luckily he manage to stand up straight again.

Jungkook accidentally let out small 'pft' as he looking at the boy who is continue on walking on the middle of the road,like nothing happened.And he's still reading that damn book.

He heard the passenger's door open,and a girl in short dressed  coming in and sit on the passenger seat.The girl turn the aircond to lower temperature,feeling hot that her make up will melt and revealing his vampire face soon.

Jungkook poke his tongue in his inner cheek, slightly annoyed when the girl make his superb car like hers.

He decided not to talk about it,as victory is approaching him.That girl is really a pain in the ass.So he shrugged and drive away to the nearby ice cream shop.

Time skip...

Suzy looks bothered,sitting on the wooden chair.He somehow annoyed at Jungkook who is busy licking his ice-cream while watching his phone.

"Umm babe..will you be faster?"

Jungkook look at Suzy."Why?You're not okay?I offered you an ice cream,but you refused.What can I do?"

"Yeah but..I wanna go anywhere else.We wouldn't date and be here for the whole day, right?" Suzy said as she adjusting her seat on the chair.

"Chill,girl.Surprises are coming".Jungkook said,hiding his smirk.

Suzy slightly blush, excited for the surprise Jungkook mentioned.She has been imagining that she will get a delivery flower from Jungkook and Jungkook will kneel in front of her,proposing her with a gold ring inserted on her finger.What does she think this is?Some cliché midnight dramas?

"Oh, here they are".Jungkook said while smiling.

Suzy look behind,as her smile drop,seeing some people that she knew entering the ice cream shop.

"We're here suckers!!" Hoseok shout,gaining people's attention in the shop,which he doesn't really care.

Hoseok go to Jungkook, doing some weird ass handshake while Yoongi and Namjoon decided to settle down around the table.

Hoseok look at Suzy, slightly roll his eyes.

"Umm why are you guys here?" Suzy ask uncomfortably.

"Urmm excuse me.An outsider has no rights to ask why we are here,having fun together as badboys and celebrate our victory".

Suzy gasped by Hoseok's words."Babe,he called me an outsider".

"Aren't you?"

"I thought we are dating?What I meant was,dating as alone,as a couple?"

"I didn't say we're dating.I said we're hanging out".

"Yeah and by that hang out,it means with friends.You are an outsider.We are over you". Yoongi said,smirking.

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