Chapter 31- You Changed Me

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Jungkook walk in his room, with a towel in his hand, looking at Taehyung sitting on the bed who is staring into spaces.

Being worried about Taehyung's shivering body, he decided to bring Taehyung to his house.

He approach Taehyung as he sit behind the older, start to dry his hair.

"Taehyung ah, are you feeling cold?" Jungkook ask with a soft voice.

Taehyung shake his head left and right.

"Then, after dry your hair, let's get you to sleep. You sleep here and I'll sleep in the other room".

Suddenly Jungkook's hand is being held by Taehyung, made him stop drying the blond hair.

Taehyung turn his body around, facing Jungkook.

"Jungkook, am I a bad brother?"

Jungkook put the towel on the bed. "Why are you asking me that, Taehyung?"

"I..I don't know. It's just that..maybe my mom's right. I can't provide a peaceful life for Taeri. I never paid that much attention towards her. I always gone out, letting her be by herself. I always leave her alone. I didn't blame Taeri for saying that she's not happy to be with me. She's a kid, and she deserve to let out anything from her heart. I'm just..glad that she can tell me the truth".

"Jungkook ah, tell me please am I that cruel to forbid Taeri to see her own mother?" Taehyung ask as a tear left his eye.

Jungkook wipe Taehyung's tear with his thumb.

"Taehyung, does your mom and Taeri hate you?"

Taehyung sniff as he shake his head as a no.

"Your mom told you like that, because she wants you to trust her, that she can a be good mother for Taeri and you. Taehyung ah, she always know how much you hate her. I know, she admit all her mistakes. By showing her motherly love to Taeri, don't you think she can make you trust her as you will finally forgive her?"

"Taehyung, she just want you to forgive all her mistakes. You told me that, she never forbid you to see Taeri. If you're being cruel, why would she always ask for your forgiveness? As long as you took care of Taeri until now, I'm sure, and I'm gonna be the first one who said that you're a great brother, Taehyung".

"Am I being too protective over Taeri, Jungkook ah?"

"Oh boy, we are talking about your sibling, the only little sister you ever had. Both you and Taeri went through a thorny life together. If I were you, of course I would do the same, being protective towards our loved ones".

Jungkook caressed Taehyung's soft hand. "But just so you know, Taeri is so lucky to have you. I have been taking care of her since she was little. Even though she has her mother now, that doesn't mean she will forget you. You're her brother. And forever will be her brother".

"Can I..can I get a hug?" Taehyung ask stuttering.

Jungkook smile, as he scooted closer to Taehyung until their knees touched.

"Hug's coming right up, mam". Jungkook said with cheerful tone as he pull Taehyung's body in his embrace.

Taehyung smile, hugging Jungkook back as he lay his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"You just love it when I hug you, right?"

"No, I'm just feeling cold and I need to warm my body. So I'm torturing your big body right now".

Jungkook chuckle. "You said that last time. Any other excuses?".

"Shut up. I'm sad and I need comfort. So be glad that you're the chosen one".

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