Chapter 38- A Gentle Punishment

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Yoongi and Jungkook right now are in front of each other, both having their arms wrapped on the chest. Their expression say that they are pissed off by something, something they are literally having their eyes on right now, in front of them.

Meanwhile Jimin and Taehyung laugh out loud, probably gossiping about something. Plus, they are having some touching moments with each other, causing the boyfriend of those two's injected with a disease named jealousy.

Jungkook already poke his inner cheek with his tongue, the thing he usually do when he's jealous. That shows how obvious his jealousy is. Meanwhile Yoongi just put on his usual cold face, but his heart is literally burning right now.

Yoongi and Jungkook look at eachother, communicating with their fierce eyes, before looking at their boyfriend again, who are still being touchy with each other.

"Okay, you're done. You're done". Jungkook suddenly drag Taehyung's hand elsewhere, pulling him away from Jimin.

"Namjoon, for God sake can you please just eat that damn food?" Jin said with his hands rested on his waist. With the apron on his body and the ladle he's holding, the oldest is literally look like an Asian mom forcing her son to eat.

Namjoon shake his head as no. "No. Baby you know I don't eat seafood. Where is my meat. I need meat".

"Dude stop rambling about your meat. It's not a big deal". Hoseok said, munching the salad he's having in his mouth.

Jin roll his eyes. "Like you don't know this guy, Hoseok. He's just really addicted to meat. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday is meat. He never get tired of it".

Namjoon just stay silent.

"I'm still cooking your freaking meat, Joonie. I told you to eat first because it may take a while for the meat to cook it. I don't want you to get hungry". Jin said with calm voice, avoiding himself to get mad at his stubborn boyfriend.

"Mmm it's okay then. I'll wait for it. Just take your time and I will eat together with you, Jinnie".

"Aishh okay then. Coming up in 15 minutes. I'll prepare some soup for you in the meantime". Jin said, going back to the kitchen.

Namjoon smile widely, showing his adorable dimples. "You're the best, babe".

Taehyung's breath hitched. He has no where to look other than at his boyfriend who is literally pinning him against the wall right now, staring deep in his innocent eyes. For some reason, Jungkook looks mad. But he never say anything other then freaking Taehyung out with his cold face.

"Urm..what an intense stare. Are you okay, Jungkookie". Taehyung ask with cute smile.

Seeing Jungkook who don't even blink, Taehyung gulp. "Come on stop making me keep on question it. it because of Jiminie just now? Oh my.. Jungkook ah are you jealous?"

"It took long time for you to figure it out". Jungkook said with deep voice. Damn it he sounds so hot. Taehyung thought in his head.

Taehyung chuckle. "I knew it. No need to be jealous, Jungkook. We were just chitchatting. Nothing more nothing less".

"But do you guys need to be all touchy like that?"

"Oh dear, you know how clingy Jimin is, right?"

"I do. So you can't just push him away or something?"

"Jungkookie, he's my best friend. Never in my life I would be disgusted or taking the stupid decision to push him away after being all touchy with me. Damn just thinking about it make me feel bad".

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