Chapter 40- Still With You

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Few weeks later...

Jungkook bursed the door open as he turn his head left and right, looking for a certain someone.

"Taehyung ah, Taehyung ah?! Baby where are you?!"

"I'm here I'm here. What the heck is wrong with you, jungkookie". Taehyung, who is coming out of the kitchen ask to his fussy boyfriend.

"I got it. I got it baby". Jungkook exclaimed happily as he can't stand straight, keeps on jumping around.

"What do you get? Aishh calm down, boy". Taehyung hold Jungkook's arm to make his stop moving around. "Now tell me, what happened".

"The result. For my final exam. I got all A's baby!!"

Taehyung gasped. "What? Are you fucking serious, Jungkook?!" Taehyung ask in disbelief.

"Yeah! Look at this". Jungkook show his phone screen at Taehyung, showing the semester's final exam result he got online.

Taehyung widened his eyes. "Holy shit! You're right, Jungkook. Everything's A, and you didn't fail any subject".

"I did it, Taehyungie!!" Jungkook said happily while pulling Taehyung in his embrace.

Taehyung chuckle, patting Jungkook's back. "Of course, you did it, dear. Congratulations".

"Thank you, Taetae. Thank you so much. I wouldn't get like this without any of your help. Thank you for tutoring me".

"You're most welcome, Jungkook. But just so you know, you got this kind of result because your own effort. Your effort in finding tutor, your effort in making your father proud, and also your effort in studying. You did your best and you got what you want. I'm proud of you, my boyfie". Taehyung touch Jungkook's nose.

Jungkook smile, as he continue to hug Taehyung again. "I'm just so lucky to have you, Kim Taehyung".

Taehyung just put on sweet smile on his face.

Taehyung received a call from someone. Pulling away from Jungkook's hug, he pick up the call.

"Hello Jiminie".

"Taetae! The result's out, do you know that?"

"I do. But I haven't check mine yet".

"Aww it's okay baby I know you did well. The others also got excellent pointer. So hobi hyung asked us if we want to celebrate our victory. I don't know his plan. But he said something about karaoke".

"Ohh when is it, Jiminie?"

"Tomorrow. Are you free, Taetae?"

Taehyung smile. "Of course I am. Jiminie, I'll ask Jungkook first. And I'll text you later".

"Oh that's okay take your time, baby. Inform me anything. Congrats by the way".

"Thank you. You too Jiminie". Taehyung hung up the call.

"What's Jimin calling you for?" Jungkook ask.

"Hobi hyung invite us to go to the karaoke together tomorrow, as he wants to celebrate our success in the final exam. Do you wanna come along?"

"Of course. Let's go together".

Taehyung smile happily and nod his head. "Okay".

Jin, with his heavy breath slam his butt on the sofa tiredly, pretty sure he's gonna pass out soon. Jungkook who is beside him chuckle.

"Hahaha, are you doing fine, Jin hyung".

Jin turn his head to the younger. "You won't know how tired I am right now. Luckily I got that dork of mine to replace me". Jin said, point his finger to Namjoon who is crazily dancing on the dance floor.

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