Chapter 24- Past Hatred

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"Ohh what do we have here?" Jin grin, looking at Yoongi and Jimin who is coming to them while holding hands.

"Oh my God, are they really holding hands? My eyes are expired or something?" Hoseok ask, rubbing his eyes.

Jimin chuckle. "Your eyes are okay, Hobi hyung. Me and Yoongi hyung are together now". Jimin said, showing them their intertwined hands.

"OH MY GOD--wait why aren't you all react as me?" Hoseok ask, lookin at Jin and Namjoon with weird espression, cause he's the only one who is overreacting right now.

"Oh boy, I'm proud to say that I'm this savage boy's love advisor, and I'm the first one to know about his little 'crush' secret. So yeah all the credit belongs to me, bitches". Jin said proudly.

"Yeah me and Jin hyung has no secret between each other. Also.. I knew from the start that Yoongi hyung have feelings for Jimin. It's kinda obvious so...I can't believe you didn't take a hint about them, hobi".

"Ohh Yoongi boongie, we have been spent time with each other as a bro, you didn't even tell me that you're having a crush on Jimin? Dude the damn betrayal". Hoseok fake cry.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I did tell you, you hoe".

"You did?"

"Yeah. I told you that I liked someone. Without asking me who is it, you replied to me like 'oh yeah I think like hamburger too' and I don't think that's appreciative. Don't you think that kind of annoying with your hamburger addiction?"

Hoseok blink for few times before grinning. "Really? Owhh I'm sorry Yoongi hyung. I didn't realize that. I thought you're just joking".

"It's okay. And that's why I asked for Jin hyung's help, since he's the closest to Jimin. I want to ask Jungkook, but that dumb kid was just too gloomy to talk to me".

"I heard my name. And you said that I'm dumb. Thanks Yoongi hyung". Jungkook said in a mocking tone, settling down beside Hoseok with Taehyung just stood beside Jimin.

"Anytime". Yoongi smile.

"Anyway, you guys know about them too?" Hoseok look at Jungkook and Jimin.

Jungkook nod. "Yes. It's kind of offended that Yoongi hyung didn't tell me. But it's okay. I can see it from my laser eyes, how he is crazy in love with Jimin".

"Jimin told me, actually. He said he took a hint that Yoongi hyung actually likes him. But he just played stupid. Jimin has one weird principal about love, which is 'never confess first'. So that's why he's been teasing Yoongi hyung all these while". Taehyung add.

"You got what you wanted. Congrats Jimin ah".

"Owww thankyou my baby". Jimin said as he hug Taehyung.

"Wow, the amount of who's gonna accompany me to the coffee shop after class today? Yoongi hyung?"

"No. I'm going on a date with my baby. So byebye". Yoongi said.

"Rude. Namjoonie?"

"Well umm I'm sorry Hobi but me and Jin hyung are going to the store this evening".

"Among all the places, you both chose to date at a freaking store?"

"What, we are not going to date at a store. Namjoon broke my ladle. So we are buying the new one".

"I see. Hmm looks like I'm alone. Taehyung?"

Taehyung smile. "Of course hyung. You can--oww!" Taehyung groan when he feel Jungkook pinch his waist.

"What the heck was that, you coconut ass boy?"

"Taehyung, we are having a tutoring session today, aren't we?"

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