Chapter 28- Birthday Present

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"You won't believe what I got today". Hoseok said as he settled down on the chair.

"You finally overcome your addiction of Hamburger and sprite?" Yoongi ask.


"You finally overcome your fear of toy snakes?"

"No dumbass".

"Then what?"

"I got a topic about sexualities".

"Wow. Interesting". Namjoon nod.

"Hell no. What do I write? I mean I can write about bisex. But what about the LGBT, the pansexuals, the transgender..and the others? I don't know that much about those?"

"What's google for, Hoseok?"

"You know ,I would if I could. But the lecturer forbid us. He said things like, we should give our opinions about all the sexualities in the community. If we're LGBT supporter, state why. And if we're one of a bunch homophobics, we would fill our essay with hatred and condemn towards the sexualities other than straight. Plus, to me google nowadays are just providing us with some useless and needless information. I don't think I wanna use that".

"I see. How many words you need to write, hobi?"

"2000 and above".

"Damn, you're writing a book or what?"

"I don't know. But you can say that".

"Don't ask my opinions about those. I can help you write about my Jimsexual if you want to?"

"Jimsexual? What kind of sexuality is that?"

"Sexuality for Jimin".

"What? You're nasty, Yoongi hyung. Only you're the one having that kind of sexuality ".

Yoongi shrug his shoulders.

"Urghh you're no helpful, hyung". Hoseok groan.

"I guess, I can help you to write some opinions about same gender sexuality, focusing on gay. But the rest, you gotta ask someone else". Namjoon said.

"Thank you Namjoon. About the pansexual and lesbian, I can ask my friends. But the straight one, Jungkook ah do you think you can help me with that?"

"Me?" Jungkook point to himself.


"I..I don't think so, hobi hyung ".

"Why?" Hoseok suddenly gasp. "Don't tell me--Jungkook ah you're pan?"

"What the--no I'm not. But.. it's just that I don't know how to give you the exact opinion about it".

"Okay. Then tell me, what should I write?"

"Uhmm...maybe you should state that..not all straights can't be changed".

Hoseok tilt his head in confusion.

"I mean..born with straight, doesn't mean we can be straight forever. Depends, maybe you got influenced, or.. someone changed you. But the main point is, a certain person actually has various sexualities. If you can choose, then you can change. If you can't, then keep being straight. Your sexualities are your choice". Jungkook smile.

"Wow that's some great point--wait why is your face red?"

Jungkook touch his own face." it? Uhmm I don't know. Well I got to go now. Bye". Jungkook grab his bag and left from there.

"Did I just say anything wrong?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You're infected with Jungkook's stupidity? He was just talking about himself, you dumbhead". Yoongi said, eyes on his phone.

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