Chapter 35- Confesssion

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Jungkook squint his eyes opened, he woke up feeling soft touch on his hair. Adjusting his view, wide smile plastered on his face seeing his boyfriend right beside him.

"You woke up, sleepyhead?"

Jungkook nod. "Good morning baby".

Suddenly Taehyung went blush. Jungkook know it because he can see Taehyung pursed his lips together and having cherry cheeks on his face. Jungkook knows, it's not because of the 'baby' word.

The younger smirk. "You have a thing for my deep morning voice right?"

Taehyung's face went redder. Jungkook has a really deep voice in the morning, he can't deny that. And Taehyung just love to hear it everytime he wakes Jungkook up. Not to lie, he finds Jungkook's morning voice is deeply sexy. Taehyung know the fact he has a natural deep voice too. But when it comes to Jungkook, he can't seems to utter any deep voiced words, other then his cute cheeky tone every time he talks with Jungkook.

The blondie playfully his Jungkook's arm. "You silly, go take a bath now and let's have breakfast".

Jungkook get up, sniffing Taehyung's cheek as he planted a soft kiss of it.

"Hmm smells good. You showered already?"

"Of course. I'm not like you, stink cow".

"Stink cow hmm? Now this stink cow wants his morning kiss, nice smelled princess".

Without waiting for Taehyung to say anything, Jungkook attack the older's lips. Taehyung can't do anything but trailed his arms around Jungkook's neck and kiss him back.

The morning kisses are hot like last night. Meaning that their make out session includes bites and tongue fighting. Morning breath? Who cares. It's his own boyfriend we are talking about.

Both pulled away, as Taehyung look down, feeling shy while Jungkook just chuckle, finding his boyfriend cute.

"Mm, I'll be waiting for you outside".

"Okay baby". Jungkook ruffle Taehyung's smooth hair.

Time skip...

The seven boys right now are just chilling while doing their own things. Their are having a moment with themselves, doing any thing they wanna do. It's still early in the morning. Surrounded by warm but hard wind and blessed ears with sound waves, somehow made they calm and enjoying their time doing whatever they like.

Jin and Namjoon are sitting together side by side, with Namjoon reading his book with a smile and Jin who is blabbering about something God knows what, doing some unknown hand gestures. Not sure if he is happy or being mad about something.

Namjoon hears everything his boyfriend say, even though he's reading a book. He never finds Jin's nag or blabber are ear sore or annoying. It's better for Jin to talk non stop, rather then keep himself silent or quiet, means he got heavy problem and that's the last thing he want Jin to have that.

Near their chalet, there's two dorks playing badminton. Yoongi and Hoseok is busy competing each other while Jungkook being their referee. Gritting his teeth, the youngest have a huge gut to say that his both hyungs of those are so terrible in playing badminton. But he chose to keep the gut to himself, and just hear Yoongi and Hoseok argue with each other like children.

"Yeahh I won!". Yoongi shout and raise up his fist, doing some weird tiny dance to celebrate his victory.

"It hit the net, you idiot oldie". Hoseok deny the older's win.

"Yeah, but it passed the net, you dumbo. Don't you know how badminton works huh?" Yoongi reply savagely.

And that's how both of them start to argue with each other, while Jungkook rub his temple, question himself why did he agree to be those two childish boys referee. He feels like he better play the badminton by himself, all alone. Don't ask how.

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