Chapter 10- Silent Click

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Taehyung is busy doing his work, suddenly hearing his door squeaked opened. He turn his head behind and saw Taeri, who stood outside his room.

He smiled, turning his whole body to Taeri's direction. "What's wrong, kiddo?"

"Taetae oppa? Can I sleep with you?" Taeri ask, fidgeting her fingers while tightly hug her teddy bear.

"Oh dear. You won't have to ask that. Come here". Taehyung spread his arms, welcoming Taeri who straightly goes into his hug.

Taehyung put his little sister on his lap, without needing any struggle. Taeri is 10, but her little body and cute innocent face make people think she's still in kindergarten.

"What's wrong today hmm? You suddenly want to sleep with me?" Taehyung ask, sniffing his little sister's hair. It's not like he don't like it. They have been sleeping together all this while, as Taehyung will rock his sister , making sure his sister will sleep first. When Taeri's nine, she suddenly said that she wanted to sleep by herself, knowing herself has grown up being a brave girl.

"I can't sleep oppa..."

"Really? Why is that? Is something bothering you?"

Taeri sigh, laying her head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Oppa, where's mum?"

Taeri's sudden question caught Taehyung off guard.

"Why do you suddenly ask me about her, Taeri? Do you miss her?" Taehyung ask, somehow avoiding to answer Taeri's question about the 'mum' she talked about.

Taeri shrug her tiny shoulders. "I don't know. I missed dad more".

Taehyung smile when Taeri mentioned about their beloved dad, the most respected man he ever had in his life.

"I know. I missed him too. But for now, let's get you in bed. You have school tomorrow, right?"

Taeri nodded. Taehyung get Taeri off his lap before both of them put themselves on the bed, as Taehyung pat Taeri's arm while humming some sweet melodies causing his sister  driving off to deep sleep.

Taehyung smile. He slightly kiss Taeri's forehead before adjusting the pillow on his head and closing his eyes, avoiding himself to gain any bitter memories that happened in his previous times.

Time skip...

Taehyung open his locker, grabbing some books for his class which is 10 minutes. He sigh. Well thick ass books are just some burden for him. And the worse is he's having classes until noon today, he only got one hour break to fetch Taeri from class, eating lunch and goes back to his college. Fortunately, his house and Taeri's school are just few miles away, taking about only 10 minutes.

Shutting the locker, he was surprised by the-most-shocking greet of the day by certain someone."Good morning!"

Taehyung flinch."The fuck--Jungkook?! You shocked me dude". Taehyung said as he rub his chest.

Jungkook grin. "Sorry about that. What are you doing?"

"You could see. Why are you here?" Taehyung ask while walking, ignoring Jungkook who he noticed to walk by his side.

"Nothing I just saw you. And I thought I can just greet you with some good morning?"

"Your good morning gives me heart attack, Jungkook. Has anyone told you about that?"

"No. Cause I never do that to anyone. Except you".

Taehyung stop walking,as he can feel his back bumped on Jungkook. He turn around.

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