Chapter 15- Rainy Walk

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Taehyung is in the class, focusing on the slides his lecturer show in front of him.

Suddenly a certain someone greet him from his side.

"Hey, smartypants".

"What the fu--".

Jungkook quickly close Taehyung's mouth, avoiding the lecturer to look at them.

"Shh slow down, Taehyung ".

Taehyung remove Jungkook's hand from his mouth. "Why are you here? And how are you here without getting caught, dude?" Taehyung whisper.

"I was at the back, and it's freaking bored there, so I'm here to you". Jungkook said while grin.

"Okay but I didn't hear your footsteps coming here".

"I didn't walk". Jungkook said, eyeing the back seats where he used to sit just now.

That's how Taehyung's mouth opened wide. "You're climbing over the chairs, from the backseat to here? What the fuck are you?"

Jungkook smirk, laying his back at the chair and cross his arms on his chest. "You don't know how skilled I am, honey". He said as Taehyung just roll his eyes.

"Go back, Jungkook. Mrs Lee gonna see you".

"You'll see".

Their lecturer finally turn around, facing her students. She squint her eyes, looking at certain someone.

"Jeon Jungkook?" Mrs Lee sounds in disbelief at what she's looking right now.

Jungkook smile, raising his one head to his head level. "Present".

"You're in the front--okay well let's continue".

Taehyung turn to Jungkook who is grinning.

"I can sense some proudness in her eyes".

"Dude you're here just cause you're bored".

"No. I'm here because of you".

"You're getting on my nerves, Jungkook".

Jungkook shrug his shoulders.

"Whatever just, keep silent beside me. And don't freaking do anything". Taehyung said, continue to write some notes from the slides.

Jungkook roll his eyes. He's about to grab Taehyung's hand but Taehyung is fast enough to pull his hand away from Jungkook.

"Including that, Jeon Jungkook".

Taehyung put a pencil on the table, between his seat and Jungkook's seat beside him.

"Don't cross the line. I'm watching you".

"Uh whatever".

"Okay you know what it's getting uncomfortable here. Why the fuck are you looking at me like that, Jung Hoseok". Yoongi ask, being impatient.

From the moment they met each other, Hoseok just stare at Yoongi, not even uttered a single word to the green haired boy.

Hoseok grin. "Ohh heheh. Just wondering, how's yesterday?"

Yoongi roll his eyes. "Nothing happened".

"Really? You didn't complain. I guess you had a good time with Jimin".

"What the--no!"


"We were taking care of a kid".

Hoseok gasped. "Jimin has a kid?!"

"No dumbass".

"Then you have a kid?" Boy's eyes got widened by his thoughts on Yoongi having a child but keeping it as a secret.

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