Chapter 33- Beach Trip

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"Hello Taetae?"

"Hello Jin hyung. What's wrong?"

"Nothing baby. Just asking, are you getting dressed right now?"

Taehyung put the phone on loud speaker, while his both hands working on his shirt button.

"Yeah hyung. Why?"

"Cool, just take your time and come here to my house, okay? Everyone's here".

"Really? Okay hyung I'm calling an Uber right away".

"Oh no need kiddo. Jungkook is coming to your house to pick you up".


"Yeah. He arrived here just now, after the others. But when I said that you're not coming yet, he volunteered to pick you up. So that's why I'm calling you right now. I know you would call an Uber to come here, but no need anymore, Taetae".

"Oh..okay then Jin hyung. Thanks for informing me. Good thing I didn't call an Uber yet".

"Sure Taetae. He should be there few minutes more. Just get ready with your things okay? Oh and don't forget to lock the door and the gate. Come here safely, baby".

Taehyung chuckle. Jin is really a loving mother to him.

"Of course, hyungie. I'll be there soon".

"We'll be waiting". Jin said and hung up.

Taehyung put the phone in his pocket. After making sure he's all dressed in perfection, he grab his phone charger and put it in his bag. He wouldn't want his phone to be dead in the middle of their vacation.

Taehyung look around his room, making sure he wouldn't leave anything important.

"Okay. I got everything, so let's go". Taehyung grab his suitcase filled with clothes and walk downstairs after locking his door room.

As soon as he come downstairs, someone knock on his door, he opened it just to see Jungkook who is right in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Hello, boyfie".

"Hello Mr. Unknown. Care to share why are you here?"

"I'm here to kidnap a certain someone. He's just too beautiful and attractive and I wouldn't let anyone take him from me. So, will you follow me, Mr Beautaeful?"

Taehyung chuckle. "You're silly".

"I'm playing around with you. Anyway are you ready to go now? You got everything with you?"

"Yeah, I'm just bringing my suitcase. Jin hyung didn't let me bring anything else. So..I just bring what's mine".

"I see. Then should I help you with anything?"

"Sure. Can you bring my suitcase to your car first? I want to lock my door and the gate".

Jungkook nod. "Of course honey. This is the bag right?" Jungkook pick up the bag on the couch and Taehyung nod his head.

Taehyung smile. "Thankyou and let's go".

Taehyung grab Jungkook's arm and pull him out of the house together with himself. Jungkook wait in the car while Taehyung making sure he locked the door and gate. After that, he get in Jungkook's car.

"Are you ready, passenger princess?"

Taehyung chuckle by the name. "I'm ready driver prince".

Jungkook grin by the name Taehyung returned to him.

"You locked all the doors?"


"You turned off the electricity?"

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