Chapter 27- Night Walk

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Jungkook open his eyes, squinting both of them due to the morning sunlight greeting his face.

Sitting up on the bed, he groan, feeling a slight pain in his head.

Looking around the room, he start to recognize the place. He's in a neat and clean room, and the bed is in mess as soon as he wake up. The room was decorated with dolls and teddy bears, with a study table and colouring books on it. Pretty sure, it's kids bedroom.

Jungkook get up from the bed, walking out of the room. While climbing down the stairs, he heard someone's voice from the kitchen make him peek his head.

"Yeah, he's with me, hyung. I don't know how did he got here. Yes he's still sleeping. Okay I'll let you know if anything happen. Nahh it's okay hyung it's not your fault. Okay bye".

Taehyung put down the phone, turning around and touch his chest seeing Jungkook right behind him.

"Aishh you startled me. Oh you woke up?"


"Okay. I'm not gonna ask you anything. Go take a bath now, I'm preparing our breakfast. Oh I'll put some clothes at the room you're sleeping last night. Just grab a towel in that room".

Jungkook nod, and walk away from the kitchen. He don't even ask Taehyung anything, cause his head hurts and too blur to process anything in his mind. So he decided to freshen up first.


"Yeah? Ohh you're done. Come let's eat together". Taehyung said, putting a plate full of fried rice on the table.

"Sit here". Taehyung pull a chair for Jungkook.

Taehyung give Jungkook fork and a spoon. As soon as Jungkook take a first bite, his face lighten up.

Taehyung chuckle. "Is it good?"

Jungkook nod. "Yeahh very good".


"Anyway, you were drunk last night, right?"


"You were with hobi hyung?"

Jungkook nod.

"He told me, just now, he want you to wait for him last night, while he make a call. After that, you were no where to be seen. Do you know how panicked he was?"

"And you drove here, while being drunk. Do you know how dangerous that would be? You could get into an accident you know? Luckily you went to my house, what if you ended up in hospital. Don't you think Hobi hyung will feel very guilty?"

Jungkook silent, playing with his spoon with the fried rice.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna be mad at you. But what you just did is so crazy, you know. I'll tell hobi hyung that you woke up. And you can stay here for a while if you want".

Jungkook look up to Taehyung. "Thankyou Taehyung. And.. I'm sorry".

"Nahh it's okay. Like I said, I'm not mad. I know, something happened to you caused you to drunk mess last night. But I'm not gonna force you. Just..let me hear it once you think you're ready. For now, just enjoy your breakfast".

Jungkook smile and nodded.

Taehyung and Jungkook right now are settling down on the couch at the living room, watching a TV show together, while having some popcorn.

"Taehyung, may I ask you something?"

"Sure". Taehyung reply, eyes glued on the TV

"The room I used last night..whose room is that?"

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