Chapter 32- Secret

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"Taetae, are you okay by the way?"

Taehyung raise one eyebrow, looking at Jimin beside him. "I am. What do you ask for, Jimin ah?"

"Jungkook told me, he brought you to his home last the other day because of --I don't know he mentioned something about you're under the rain at night. Oh yeahh he also told me about Taeri and your mother. I'm so sorry to hear that, Taetae".

Taehyung smile. "It's okay Jimin. Yeah Jungkook was right. About Taeri, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you anything. I'll story it to you when we have time".

"Oh don't think too much about it, babe. It's up to you whether you want to tell me or not. I understand". Jimin smile, patting Taehyung's shoulder.

"Anyway I'm going to see Yoongi hyung for a while. Wanna come with me?"

"Nah it's okay. I'm having a class later".

"Okay then. I'll see you later, my baby". Jimin give Taehyung a tight hug before walking away and picking up a call, probably from Yoongi.

Taehyung smile, before he continue to walk. He didn't rush or anything because he has nothing to do right now other than walking lazily to his class starts in 10 minutes more.

While the blondie is walking past the boy's toilet, his arm got pulled and the last thing he know he's gently pushed against the wall and he got pinned by someone.

"What the fuck--Jungkook?!" Taehyung shout but Jungkook close his mouth.

"Shhh Taehyung someone's going to hear you".

Taehyung push Jungkook's palm off his mouth. "It's you dumbass. Why do you suddenly pull me here? You're giving me heart attack you know?" Taehyung scold the younger.

Jungkook grinned. "Aww I'm sorry cutie. Anyway, good morning".

"Hmm morning". Taehyung said emotionless.

"Hey are you mad at me? I'm sorry okay?" Jungkook caress Taehyung's soft cheeks.

"Aishh whatever. What do you want anyway? Can't you just see me later at the cafe with the others?"

"I just want to say good morning to you. Perhaps I can give you a morning kisses. We can't do that in front of our members. Our relationship is a secret right?" Jungkook pout.

Taehyung's feeling kind of sorry for Jungkook. After they confessed and share some sweet kisses together, Jungkook asked for Taehyung to be his boyfriend as Taehyung accepted it. But with a condition, Taehyung asked Jungkook to hide their relationship from anyone, including their friends. And Jungkook can't do nothing but agree with him.

"I'm not mad, Jungkook. I'm just surprised. I thought I was nearly got kidnapped or something in a boy's toilet. I'm sorry for scolding you".

Jungkook smile. "Aww it's okay, boyfie. Anyway, I want morning kisses".

"What morning kisses? Hell no".

"You got no morning kisses for your own boyfriend? Dude that's mean". Jungkook fake cry.

Taehyung roll his eyes. "Your fake sad face is kind of obvious, you idiot".

"Oh you know it? Then can I get my morning kiss now?"

"You're bold, Jungkook. You know that?"

"Yeah. Only for this beautiful boy of mine". Jungkook touch Taehyung's nose make Taehyung blush.

"Damn I made you blush early in the morning. What a breathtaeking scene. So can I have my morning kiss now?" Jungkook said, eagerly wanting to kiss his boyfriend.

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