Chapter 13- Incoming Storm

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Jungkook groan, smashing his bag on the table, as he sit on chair while his head being rested on the table.

"Woahh that's harsh. What happened to you dude?" Hoseok ask, backing away a little, giving some space to Jungkook to sit comfortably.

"I'm having no energy right now. I was sleeping late last night".

"And why is that?"

"I was doing my assignment".

Silence appeared between the boys.

Yoongi slightly laugh."Haha.Nice morning joke. Now tell us the real reason".

Jungkook frown. "What 'real reason'? Don't you hear me? I was doing my assignment".

Again, silence.

"WHAT IN THE HELL?!!" Hoseok suddenly shout.

"Jesus--hyung, do you need to shout?"

"You mean Jeon Jungkook, the biggest bad boy was sleeping late last night doing his assignment? For fuck sake are you telling us the truth, Jungkook ah?"

"Hyung, don't need to be all dramatic. What do you think I was doing? Watching kdramas?"

"Not even porns?"

"Hobi hyung?!"

"Okay my bad". Hoseok grin.

"Fucking hell--bitch do you even know how to spell 'assignment'?" Yoongi said, still having his jaw dropped on the floor.

"Yoongi hyung, do you think I'm that dumb?" Jungkook ask, somehow offended.

"Well you used to. But not anymore I guess? You got a nice tutor, kiddo?"

Jungkook blink, not sure if it's a question, or it's some unclear mock towards him. He just choose to continue resting his head on the table, before going to his classroom.

Before closing his eyes, Jungkook saw Jimin who is coming to their table, bringing a certain someone that he know, make his eyes widened.

"Hi guys, good morning!" Jimin greet with cheerful tone.

"Ohh good morning too Jiminshi. You brought someone today". Hoseok said, glancing at Jungkook.

"Yeah. This is my soulmate, Kim Taehyung. Don't mind his red face, he's just in his introverted self. Taehyung ah, these are the guys that I told dying to meet you. This is Hoseok hyung" Jimin said as Hoseok waving his hand, showing his big smile.

"Umm hi, hobi hyung". Taehyung shyly wave his hand back to Hoseok. His cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Well he's just too introvert.

Like damn, my introvert ass feel this boy.

"Hello. Oh my God you're so cute. Just like how Jimin told us".

Taehyung's cheeks are totally red like a tomato now, added with Hoseok's compliment towards him.

"And this is--urm.. Mr. Yoonkitty". Jimin said as Hoseok burst out laughing and Yoongi gritted his teeth.

"I mean the old-grumpy grandpa disguised as Min Yoongi. But you don't have to know much about him. Oh and the last one here--oh you know this guy". Jimin said, slightly smirk.

"Morning beautaeful". Jungkook greet happily, as he can't deny Taehyung looks cute with his red face.

Taehyung's smile drop, replaced with some glares he usually give to Jungkook. Jungkook just smile to the blondie. Teasing his tutor in the morning is the thing he hoped to do the most. And..he did it.

"Oh where's Namjoon hyung by the way?" Jimin ask, realizing Namjoon can't be seen anywhere.

"Oh he got into car accident". Hoseok said, like nothing happened.

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