Chapter 18- A Total Hatred

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Taehyung is buttoning his shirt when his phone ring. He pick up the call, turning it on loud speaker.

"Hello Jiminshi".

"Taetae, are you getting ready?"

"Yeap, I'm almost done here".

"Okay. Don't forget to take the permission letter for the event okay?"

"Ohh yeahh I totally forgot about it. Thank you for reminding me, Jiminie".

"No problem Taetae. Be careful when you're walking to college later, yeah?"

"Sure, Jimin. You too. Drive safe".

"I will Tae". Jimin hung up first.

Taehyung smile. Today, he will take the permission letter for the event he's been dreaming on. He will also pay the cost to go the event, using some money Jungkook paid him for their tutoring lesson.

After making sure he looks okay, he grab his bag, going to Taeri's room to take a look at his little sister.

"Taeri, Taeri ah". Taehyung knock on the door, but receiving no response. He twist the door knob. His sister didn't lock the door.

Taehyung smile and shake his head. "Aishh this girl..Taeri ahh wake up you're gonna be late for school". Taehyung called as he approach Taeri, who has a blanket wrapped around her whole body.

Taehyung's smile dropped when he see his sister's condition. Taeri's face looks so pale with her lips dried.

"Taeri, Taeri ahh!" He shake Taeri's body, but got to response. He then gently tap Taeri's cheeks, but still got no response.Taeri is unconcious.

Taehyung touched her forehead.

"Shit she's burning. Taeri ahh!!"

Taehyung pick Taeri's little body up, as he run to the nearby clinic.

"Jiminshi, where's Taehyung?" Jungkook ask, looking around.

"Why are you looking for my baby, Jeon Jungkook. Is there something I don't know?"

Jungkook roll his eyes. "Busybody". He mouthed under his breath.


"Oh.. nothing. I just wanna ask him, if we will have a tutoring lesson today".

"Liar. You told me that you love to tease him in the morning. That's why you are looking for him right now, right?"

"Well yeah whatever you say. So where's he?".

"I don't know dude". Jimin shrug his shoulders.

"You don't know? You guys usually arrive together".

"I called him this morning, and he said he's on the way. He'll be here soon, I guess".

Jungkook just nod. He himself don't know why. He feels that seeing and teasing his tutor every morning is a must.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my sister?" Taehyung ask worriedly, looking at his little sister who is sitting on his lap, has her head on his shoulder. Taeri's face still look pale, no words coming out of her mouth since she gain her consciousness few minutes ago. She look like lacking of energy, and sometimes she cough.

"Taeri has a high fever. She also coughed, her face was pale and very weak. Did she show any signs before you noticed she was unconscious?"

"Umm no, doctor, last night, she refused to eat, cause she was having stomach ache, so she had no appetite. But when I look at her this morning, I found her unconscious".

LOVELY TUTOR(TAEKOOK FF)-completed✔️-Where stories live. Discover now