Chapter 23- Forgiven

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"Sit here". Taehyung said and Jungkook sit on the couch.

"Wait a sec". Taehyung gone off to somewhere.

Jungkook look around Taehyung's house. It's not that as big as his house, but it's so warm, clean and neat. It smells good too. Jungkook smile.

After few seconds, Taehyung come back with a box and take his seat beside Jungkook.

"Come show me your arm". Taehyung said as he scooted closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook show his injured elbow to Taehyung. Taehyung apply some ointment on a cotton bud before cleaning Jungkook's wound with it.

"You know you're a troublesome, Jungkook".

Jungkook didn't answer the question.

"You could have been dead by now if I didn't push you. Can't you just think about it, Jungkook?"

"I know. But I won't be dead. Cause I know you would save me"

Taehyung paused, looking at Jungkook. Later he shake his head.

"You're unbelievable Jungkook".

Taehyung continue treating Jungkook's, injury, while Jungkook remain silent, admiring Taehyung's treatment towards him.

As Taehyung finish, he keep the box on the table, as he look at Jungkook.

"You want a water?"


"Okay I'll take some water for you?"

Jungkook grab Taehyung's arm. "No, Taehyung. It's okay. You already know what I want to talk about".

Jungkook sigh. "Please, Taehyung. I beg you please forgive me. And stop avoiding me. You know if feels so weird without you these days. Every morning, I didn't get to tease you, I didn't get your death glares every morning, I didn't even get to sit beside you at class and disturbing you, that feels so wrong. I keep telling myself that something's off whenever I don't get to see you every morning".

"Also, I want you to be my tutor again. There are many things I need to learn more from you. I've not been focusing in class these days. Nothing absorbed in my mind. I know I really need your help. Please don't return the money I paid for you. I can beg you if you want".

Jungkook about to get on his knee when Taehyung stop him and make him sit on the sofa again.

"Oh my God Jungkook I can't stand it with your behaviour. Okay okay I'll forgive you".

Jungkook's face lighten up. "You forgive me and will be my tutor again?"

Taehyung roll his eyes. "Yes".

"Thank you, Taehyung. I'll treat you a strawberry ice cream".



"Change it to vanilla". Taehyung smile a little.

Jungkook chuckle. "Will do".

"Anyway...thank you for treating my wound".

"Did you just thank me for keeping up with your behaviour?"

Jungkook laugh. "You can say that".

"Umm Jungkook?"

Jungkook hummed in response.

"You sent me and Taeri home the other day right?"

"Oh the night when we hang out at Jin hyung's house right? Yeah. Why?"

"Umm..did you probably...carry me to my room?"

Jungkook tilt his head in confusion. "Carry?"

"Yeah I mean--actually I asked Taeri what happened. And she said that you and Jimin sent us home. She also said that she fell asleep in your car, and Jimin carried her to her room. c..carry me to".

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