Chapter 11- The 'X'

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"For Jesus sake, Park Jimin stop freaking calling me like that!" Yoongi groaned, looking at Jimin who is sitting while admiring his fingers like how slayed he look.

"What's wrong with you? You can't deny that's a cute name, right?"

"Which sides of the words you called cute? Are you dumb or something?"

Hoseok is in the middle, massaging his head that is clearly dealing with some argues from Yoongi and Jimin, which make him somehow stressed out that he wanna kill himself already.

"Sup dorks" Jungkook put down his bag, and sit beside Namjoon.

"You're done with your class?" Namjoon ask, side eyeing the younger.

Jungkook nod. "Uhuh. So what's happening now?" Jungkook ask, looking at Yoongi and Jimin who is sending some glares to each other, while Hoseok in the middle look like he's ready to end his life.

"I don't know, this weird bitch called me with some shitty names". Yoongi said as he roll his eyes.

Jimin scoffed."Excuse me, you called me bitch and those cuties as shitty names? You could appreciate me for creating some nicknames for you, you jackass".

"For your freaking information, I don't need you to create some weird ass nicknames for me. My name is cool enough to be replaced with something else".

"Oh my God my head's gotta burst". Hoseok said, totally done.

Jungkook chuckle. "Wait, Yoongi hyung. What names did he called you that made you look like you wanna kill him so bad?"

"I don't know.. something like..yoonkitty, lil meow meow..I don't know..damn.. those are disgusting".

"Oh.. that's kinda cute". Jungkook grin. Yoongi send Jungkook a 'what the fuck'  look.

"You're not on my side, Jungkook".

"What? I mean yeahh I'm not with anyone's side. I just thought those are cute names for you. Come on hyung you can't deny that you kinda look like kitten". Jungkook said as his eyebrow slightly raised. Yoongi just roll his eyes.

"See, even Jungkook agrees with me. You're just so weird, Yoongi. Anyway Jungkook. Aren't you having a tutoring lesson with Taehyung now?"

Jungkook look at his wristwatch. "Shoot, I'm going to be late. Gotta go, guys". Jungkook said as he grab his bag and run the park, where he and And Taehyung promised to meet.

"Good Job, Kim Namjoon. As usual, you never disappoint me. You're getting a highest score for this task". Mr. Choi, one of the lecturers stated, nodding while looking at Namjoon's jurnal for his assignment.

Namjoon bowed as he thanking the lecture in front of him. A satisfied smile plastered on his face. Apart from being confident on his perfectly done work, he's grateful that he got a humble lecturer like Mr Choi whe seems to known as someone who never criticizes anyone's work.

The door knocked and opened revealing Jin. "Sir--oh I'm sorry am I interrupting?" Jin said as soon as he saw Namjoon, knowing Mr. Choi is in the middle of conversation with his student.

"No Seokjin it's okay come here".

Jin nod, coming in the room, slightly bow to Mr. Choi. "Good morning, sir. I want to submit my assignment for you to check". Jin said as he stood in front of Mr Choi's table with a file in his hand.

"Oh yeah sure. Wait a sec yeah?"

Mr. Choi closed Namjoon's jurnal, keeping it aside. "Thankyou Namjoon, I'll give it back to you when I done key in your marks. You can go now".

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