Chapter 20- The Awkwardness

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"Jimin ah". Jin grin.


"Wanna hear a joke?".

"Not again--"

"What do yellow say to red when they're about to have an exam?"

"Jin hyung--"

"Are you reddie (ready)?" Jin said and let out his wiper laugh while hitting Namjoon's arm.

Yoongi rub his temple, looking aside at Hoseok who is laughing out loud while touching his belly. He laugh so hard that he could fall anytime soon.

"Bro you even laugh for that joke?" Yoongi ask in disbelief.

Hoseok adjusted himself on the seat properly, before he could lose the balance and getting his face smashed on the hard floor.

"Jin hyung, I swear, that's a good one".

Jin fake cry. "Aww finally someone is laughing to my dad joke. You're so sweet, hoba boba".

Jimin almost spit out his drink hearing the nickname Jin made for Hoseok.

"Yeay, and I can say I'm the only who who understand your joke. Jin hyung, anyway Jimin told me about your pink slipper.

Jimin gritted teeth. Now he's for sure that he regret telling Hoseok about Jin's pink slipper in the first place. And now they are continuing their 2seok's pink slipper neverending saga.

Jin's face lighten up. "I know you're interested about my pink slippers, hobi. So I got plenty of those in my house, with all kinds of sizes. They are S, M, L, and even XL, which I usually use to beat Jimin's and Taehyung's ass".

"Yeah, I'm having a big ass booty because of you, Jin hyung".

Yoongi nod. "I see".

Silence appeared. Yoongi who is scrolling his social media got paused, looking at the others, who are staring at him.

"I..I mean..I see that you are using them wisely. Haha yeah". Yoongi let out nervous laugh, as everyone is looking at him with weird expression just now. Not gonna lie he himself though that he sounded a little creepy just now.

"Speaking of Taehyung, where's he? Is he coming today?" Namjoon ask.

Something hit Jungkook's mind after hearing that certain name. Yeah..he just remembered he is being despised by someone right now. And that someone is Kim Taehyung.

It's been a while since they are talking to each other, as Jungkook no longer see Taehyung's face after things happened between them. And he admit, he missed teasing the older every day in early morning. He missed it when Taehyung always shocked by his sudden appearance and how Taehyung always glare at him everything he's annoyed.

"Sure he is. He had to do something at the library, and he's coming here to see me later to lend me some notes--oh here he is. Taehyungiee". Jimin wave his hand.

Taehyung come to the table, approaching his members with a smile in his face. A little smile, actually.

"Morning guys. Jimin ah, here are the notes for you". Taehyung said as he put some papers on the table.

"Awhh thank you Taetae. I'm so sorry that I troubled you. We are having a mini tests later and I'm sure I'm not gonna make it without your help. Come come baby let me kiss you". Jimin planted a kiss on Taehyung's cheek, causing him to let out tiny giggles.

"It's okay Jiminie. I'm leaving to class now".

"Oh, Taetae".

"Yes, Jin hyung?"

"What are you doing after classes?"

"Picking up Taeri, going home. That's all".

"We are hanging out later, at my house. You can bring Taeri too. I haven't see her in a while. I missed that little girl. Everyone's gonna be there, Jiminshi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and also Jungkook".

Taehyung paused for a while, before plastering a smile on his face. "Of course, hyung". He said and walk away.

"What are you and Taehyung, a couple?" Yoongi ask, somehow sounds pissed off.

"Even If I'm straight, I will always be gay for my Taetae baby, so shut up".

Yoongi roll his eyes in annoyance.


Jungkook hummed in response, avert his eyes to Jin.

"That's the only way I could do to make you guys meet each other. The least I can hope is that you can talk to him or something".

Jungkook smile. "Thank you, Jin hyung".

"But Jungkook, haven't you try to talk to him?" Hoseok ask

"How, hyung? I just see him today, which was just now. He avoids me, hyung. Just now, he barely even look at me And probably he blocked my number so, how do we talk to eachother then? Also..he said that he won't let me appear in front of him". Jungkook's head hanging low.

"And you do as he say? He knows the fact that he will always see you. Because we always hanging out together like this. He's just in anger, that's why he said those. He just wants to have some time, and his hatred towards you will slowly disappeared".

Jungkook sigh. "You thought so, hyung?"

"I know him, Jungkook. I've been taking care of him since he's in middle school. Same goes to this brat". Jin said, ruffling Jimin's hair, as Jimin smile.

Jungkook get up from his seat, grabbing his bag.

"Where are you going?"

"Heading to class. Same as Taehyung's". Jungkook said weakly, leaving from there.

"That's gonna be awkward". Jin said, receiving nods from the youngers.

Time skip...

Jungkook nearly fall asleep. Sitting at the back, he can hear his lecture blabbering but somehow he can't focus on any of that.

His eyes fall on Taehyung, who is focusing while writing his notes. Since the moment he walk into the class, Taehyung didn't spare any glance to him. In awkward way, he walk past Taehyung to the back seat.

It's kind of weird because before this, he's been sitting with Taehyung, side by side whenever they are having same classes. But not today. After everything happened, he know he can just look at the older from afar.

He sigh, laying his head on the table. Nothing goes into his ears or his mind right now, other than how to have a talk with a boy named Kim Taehyung.


In a spacious big office, the woman in her 40s close the file, smiles forming on her lips.

"Well done, Minjae. I know I'm trusting the best person for this kind of work. So, when can we have a meeting with them?"

The girl called Minjae take a look at her book. "Tomorrow, at 3 pm. Today he's not around, as he will be spending time with his son today".

The woman nod. "Okay then. I will see him tomorrow then. May us have a luck for this project".

Minjae smile and nod. "I'm sure we will, Mrs. Kim".

She smile. "Okay, well done, Minjae. You can continue your work ".

Minjae nod. He bowed before turning around, walking out of the office.

The woman look at a certain frame on her table. Forming a smile, she take the frame in her hand, caressing the pictures on it.

"My babies". She hug the frame, feeling tears are running down her cheek.

To be continued...

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New character? Who do you think that woman is?

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