Chapter 26- Drunken Jungkook

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Jungkook take a deep breath, before knocking on the door. After hearing a 'come in', he twisted the door knob, opening it.

"Dad, you want to see me?"

Mr. Jeon look up, smiling looking at his son. "Yeah son. Come sit here".

Jungkook nod, taking his seat on the chair in front of his dad. He look around the office. It's been a while since he come here. They usually talk at home. But he's here since his father requested to meet him.

"How's college, son?"

"Everything's good dad. We are going to sit on a final exam about three weeks from now".

Mr. Jeon nod. "I see. So did you prepare enough?"

"Apart from doing some revision, I am still having tutoring sessions with Taehyung. So..I guess I'm preparing now".

"Good then. I hope the Taehyung kid can tutor you well".

Jungkook smile.

"I called your lectures. They said that you're getting better in your class nowadays. You never skip any classes, and you always pay attention".

"But remember Jungkook. Changes in attitude, doesn't mean changes you in your exams. So I hope you'll do your best in exam, or I can't do anything other than moving you to another college".

"W..what, appa?" Jungkook ask in disbelief.

"It's for the best, Jungkook. Maybe you will show your improvement in another place".

Jungkook exhaled. "Dad, I'm sure. I can do my best to make you proud. I will get good result for you".

Mr. Jeon smile, tapping his son's shoulder. "I love your effort. But I wanna see your result of that. Remember Jungkook, you're going to sit on the chair I'm sitting right now. You're my one and only heir. I want you to continue handling our family's company. If you can't satisfy me, I can't do anything other then sending you abroad, continuing your studies and being a human as you are. I hope you understand what I mean".

Jungkook plastered a small smile on his face. "I..I understand dad".

"Hey Jeon, why so gloomy, huh?" Hoseok ask, ruffling the younger's hair.

Jungkook sigh. "Nothing hyung, it's father".

"The same old thing?" Hoseok take a guess.

"You can say that".

"Come on bunny boy. You gotta cheer up. I'll bring you somewhere". Hoseok wiggle his eyebrows.


"My friend's sister own a bar. And she works there".


"A pole dancer".

Jungkook just stare at Hoseok.

"You're into a pole dancer, hyung?"

"What--no stupid. Her sister's not into boys. I mean that's cool, but that's not what I'm talking about".


"Let's go to the bar to cheer you up. Have a drink, get some girls, rocking on the dance floor, up to you".

"What time?"

"Tonight, at 10. I'll share you the location".

Jungkook nod. "Okay".

"Hobi hyungg I don't want to move from the college!!" Jungkook whined, faking his tears as he sip his wine.

"Dude I know I know, but please stop drinking. You're a drunk mess right now". Hoseok said, grabbing Jungkook's drink.

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