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Park Jimin is a 17 year old lonely boy who growed up under the care of his sick old halmeoni. He lost his eomma on the very next day of his birth. His dad treat him as his prince. It was the promise of Park Hyun-ki for his dying wife.

Jimin was in the last year of his high school education. His dad do everything he can do possible to give a good life to his son. But instead, Jimin craved for his dad, not his money. He always look towards the main gate to expect his dad's return.

Park Hyun-ki was the right hand of great Min Ryung, the mafia king of Min Empire. Park was the only trustworthy man of Min Ryung. Even there were so many other members, Ryung always chooses Hyun-ki as his eligible right hand.

Mr Min was also a single father. He was the father of Min Yoongi.

One the other hand, Min Yoongi, 22 year old young man who born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He had everything.

Min Yoongi hates his dad from his core. Because for him his father is his mother's murderer. Yoongi is blind by the fake love of his girlfriend. But she was a two faced devil that came for the total destruction of the Min Empire.

Yoongi never accept or going to accept his dad's any decisions. Even Ryung knows about his son's girlfriend's secret, but Yoongi was never going to believe his father. So Min Ryung secretly protect him from everything. Being the future heir of the Min Empire, Yoongi's life was always at the edge.

Jimin never wanted to ended up any unwanted situation like this before. Crossing path with Yoongi was his life changing moment to a certain extent.

Now Jimin hates Yoongi. Even it was the end of the world, Yoongi wasn't even the last person he want to saw.

What lead to Jimin hates Yoongi that much.. Is it even Jimin's anger worth for melting Yoongi's stone heart..

What if Jimin hates the idea of second chance.. Forgiveness and regret..

Let's start a new journey 'whispers of heart'...

(So some of you may familiar with the title and theme of the story, It was the same 'whisper of heart' by yoonmin_kittens. As she discontinued that story, I am rewriting it. And also I was the one who suggested the idea of this story to her. And I am writing this with her full permission also)

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