Cristal Piano

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"Oppa.. "

Jennie called the group of 4 boys standing besides the giant Christmas tree and piano. They were holding wine glasses in their hands.

Jimin only knows Yoongi in that group. There eyes met. Suddenly Yoongi withdraw his gaze and concentrate on his wine glass.

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"Hey Nini

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"Hey Nini.. "

The tall and handsome man amoung them greet Jennie.

"Hi Jin oppa... This is Park Jimin... My future classmate and my best friend.. "

"Hi Jimin.. I am Kim Seokjin.. I am a first year resident in Empire Mins Hospital.."

Jin smiled beautifully towards Jimin. Jimin also return a heartwarming smile to Jin.

"Hi.. Dr Kim.. "

"Oh.. Hyung is enough Jimin.."

Jimin once again smile.

"You are so cute.. "

Jin said while pinching Jimin's chubby cheeks. And Jimin giggled. Yoongi took a secret glance on the younger while having a small smile on his lips.

"Chim.. This is Jung Hoseok.. My oppa.. "

"Hai.. Hyung.. I am Jimin.. "

Jimin bowed a little.

"Hi Jimin.. Can I call you Chim too.. "

Hoseok smiled brightly to Jimin. Jimin like the enthusiasm and energy of his best friend'd brother. He nodded his head.

"Yes hyung.. You can... "

Jimin smiled. Hoseok just ruffled the younger's soft hair. Yoongi suddenly felt a burning sensation in his heart. What is happening to him suddenly. Why he is feeling jealous of everything related to Jimin.

Yoongi shrugged the thoughts and again focus on his friends.

"And this is Kim Namjoon.. "

Jennie indicate his finger to another man standing besides Jin. Namjoon passed a dimple smile to him.

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