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The Min Mafia king and his beautiful husband was sleeping. It was just 6 in the morning. Yoongi was trapped his husband in his arms tightly and both were covered in blanket also.

The bedroom door opened and their 6 year old son Min Hyung came towards his parents bed

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The bedroom door opened and their 6 year old son Min Hyung came towards his parents bed. He touch his mother's face with his small chubby fingers.


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"Mummy... Wake up... Please... I want milk... "

Jimin's move a little and opened his eyes on that wet soft touch. It was little Hyuni's everyday routine to wake up 6 am in the morning to drink a glass of hot chocolate.

Jimin smiled to his son and slowly took off his husband's arm from him. Yoongi groaned a little asked in his heavy sleepy voice.

"Is 6 already... ?

"Yeah... "

Jimin hold his son's hand and go outside to the kitchen. Yoongi once again pulled the blanket over him and closed his eyes.

The Mafia king Min Yoongi celebrate his 46th birthday 3 week ago. It was a huge celebration. The entire country was there at Mins.

The Queen Jimin 41 now. He running a dance academy with almost 500 students and 100 faculty members. His dance academy had another branches in South Korea itself and one Thailand and other one in USA.

The Mafia Princess Min Maya is 23 and already finished the university studies. She is now working with the Mafia king and taking the Mafia training. Her long term dream is becoming like his dad and mom one day. A power Mafia Queen. But she continued to play cello as she promised to her dad. Still the Mins have some private family concert time.

Min Saya is 6 and first year in elementary school. Says is the xerox copy of her mommy and love to dance a lot. She always dance with her mother in Jimin's home studio. She also wanted to become a dancer like her mommy. A famous dancer.

5 year old Min Hyun looks like his dad, walks like his dad even behave like his dad. Hyun is the mini version of the Mafia king. But he is the sweetheart of his mommy and little mafia of his sisters.

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