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Yoongi Jungkook and other guards are already at the old warehouse. It was an abandoned old rusty building. There wasn't any other people around that area. Even if something happen, it will be hours to reach out of that area.

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Yoongi and Jungkook are leading in front

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Yoongi and Jungkook are leading in front. Suho and the other guards are silently following them. They all are in high alert. This mission wasn't any planned one. Suho and guards are little tensed. Moreover their princess is in danger too.

Before entering into the building Yoongi stopped there.

"Two of you stay here.. I will communicate with you through ear pods.. If we are going out of control, you must inform to Kinn and ask for back up... "

Yoongi told to the two guards coming with Jungkook. They both nodded their head.

"Be careful.. Ok.. "

Jungkook also remind them and go inside. Suho and remaining guards go with them.

They carefully climb the stairs

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They carefully climb the stairs. Nobody was there at the stairs or near. Yoongi doubted about the place for a second.

But the stairs end in a big empty hall. It was dark there. But suddenly someone came towards them out of nowhere.

"Where are the kids..?

Yoongi asked him in his cold aura. That man didn't said anything. He gestures them to follow him. They followed the man and get into another room adjacent to the big empty hall.

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