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5 am at the morning...

Yoongi woke up morning without anyone's help today. He got ready go straight to Jimin's room. Yoongi didn't had enough patience to knock and wait for Jimin to open the door. He open the door and saw Jimin was still comfortably sleeping in the bed.

Yoongi go towards Jimin and slowly remove the blanket from his upper body

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Yoongi go towards Jimin and slowly remove the blanket from his upper body. Jimin whine a little in sleep. Yoongi began to shake Jimin's shoulder in order to wake him up.

"Minion... Wake up.. Minion... "

Jimin was still fast asleep without any moment. Because he got into bed so late yesterday night.

"Hmm... Let me sleep catty... "

Jimin said in his sleepy voice. His eyes were still closed.

"Jimin.. No... Get up... Get up... "

Yoongi pull Jimin from his pillow. Now he is sitting on the bed.


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"Hyung... Leave me please... "

Jimin whined and slowly open his heavy eyes. 

"Go and get ready... "

"Noooo... "

Jimin once again lay down.

"Look Jimin... Get up now... Otherwise I will pour cold water on you.. Get up... "

Jimin once again get up from the bed with sleepy eyes. Yoongi pull him down from the bed.

"Go and fresh up.. "

Yoongi literally push Jimin to the bathroom. He sat on the couch waiting for Jimin. After 15 minutes Jimin came out of the bathroom.

"You are still here... I thought you already gone for make coffee for me.. "

Jimin told Yoongi in a little pissed tone.

"Coffee.. I can't even know how to boil water... "

Jimin pout at Yoongi who was shamelessly smiling on him. Jimin didn't feel like to the elder when he saw the his happy face. To be honest Yoongi look a lot like Pa now.  Jimin seeing Yoongi's gummy smile for the first time in this 5 years. May be he is happy now.

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